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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 5, 2006
Item 8

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Eight is to consider and take appropriate action on the following 5501 airport boulevard building. 8 a is to approve for building renovations (phase 2c), ifb no. B060358-jw, to the low bidder, brath, inc.; and ab is recommended security improvements at 5501 airport boulevard, including options and funding.

>> okay.

>> 5501 again in your backup, you have a program overview. When I talked about lease savings, this is the -- the building, the 5501 that I was -- that is talking about where you saved almost $700,000 worth of lease savings in phase 1. Phase 2 will net you almost $400,000 in lease savings. We bought the building in '03. It will house it, its training, hr and d training, there will be a small area for the wellness program. We have, if you look on the second page, you have -- you have again an annualized savings of -- of 422,000, that's annualized on 9th street. That's why that's a little bit of a different number. But that's what you would realize in annual savings.

>> alicia, it was -- it was a question that was posed some time ago, I don't know whoever got announced it, if so I may have missed the answer. But the question was that -- that the departments that -- that are moving into this new renovated area, the departments that we have mentioned here today, 5501 airport, was the ff and e situation, were there any capture of any furniture or a lot of other kind of things that -- that would have been available to -- to actually move so we wouldn't maybe have to purchase a lot of things that may be on the radar screen? How did -- have we ever been in that situation as before the -- before the -- these actually -- actually departments actually physically moved and go to 5501 airport? Was there any -- any information related to that? Is --

>> Commissioner, we went back and looked very carefully at the departments that are moving into that building. We did an assessment of all of the furniture that they presently have with the idea that we would reuse absolutely everything that we could. And we would move everything that we could and that the the only things that we would purchase would be -- would be items that would replace worn out or damaged furniture or ff and e. Or things that -- to furnish things like a conference room for instance that they don't have now, so -- so new uses, waiting room chairs that maybe we could expand it to accommodate growth. But we went back and looked at everything that they have gotten and we believe that we are narrowed it down to a -- to where we are being the most efficient with those funds.

>> the fund for the ff and e was approved in fy '07 budget separate than this. We have $300,000 for both buildings. Keith ruiz building and 5501 phase 2 project. And we feel at this time that we are not going to be using all of the $300,000 to furnish.

>> will you repeat that last part.

>> we feel facilities management feels at this time we will not be using the full $300,000 for the ff and e. So we might have some savings down the road.

>> okay. Good. Glad to hear that. But the other is that the realization of the move for these particular departments in this facility would save us significant amount of money as far as lease, as far as what we have to pay out for leases currently.

>> yes, sir.

>> that's correct.

>> okay. What was that file number again?

>> it was -- you have it in the backup. 422. $400,000. A little over.

>> okay. I have a little different figure, but -- but anyways, it's in the fours.

>> yeah, it's about 400,000.

>> okay. One of the differences, if you remember, we -- we reduced the space on 9th street. Danny hobby and his group moved over to -- to the executive manager area, so that's kind of where you see the differences.

>> okie-doke. The contract on this as you mentioned, judge, is to the -- to the qualified vendor and it is for about

>> [papers shuffling - audio interference] million dollars. Then the security issues are 43,000 -- 43315? I'm sorry. Here it is. About $43,000. On that, that is our estimate for the security items. What we would do with that list and then forward it over to -- to the security community, they would review it, make sure that everything on there was needed and is essential and required. Then we would bring it back, that would be another item that would a transfer from allocated reserve or car reserve.

>> okay.

>> I have a hard time -- understanding of numbers here. The bid is $1.8 million. After we use a 20% escalation, we have 2.8 million. That's a million more. Also we need 291,000.

>> okay.

>> you see what I'm saying? On this sheet that you are looking at, number 3, there is a -- there is a -- a number 3, the airport on building phase 2, original budget yeah is 2.82024. Out of that -- out of this one, we have -- we have, if you look at the -- at the -- in the -- in the budget, backup, this sheet right here, that we already spent for the metal roof replacement for the project, about $165,000. Also we are at this time construction going on for phase 2 b, structural and civil construction for $835,000. And that's why -- why the differential right here that you are looking at.

>> okay. So there are sums in addition to the 63,000 --

>> [indiscernible]

>> that's right, yeah.

>> [indiscernible] expenditures automatic of that

>> [indiscernible] budget.

>> okay. So are we still looking for money for security and its?

>> no, just security on 5501.

>> 43.

>> 43,000.

>> car reserve? Still healthy?

>> there will be enough for that. But

>> [inaudible - no mic]

>> so should we ask to approve b today or just ask to authorize you all to chat with the security committee about it.

>> mike

>> [indiscernible] from the sheriff's office. Head of the security community. In talking to fm and certainly to the other individual that sit on that security committee, since they are still at the design phase of this, we felt that it was prudent to bring it forward at this time. Had we not matched it up to the exact layout and design of that, so some degree I think as ms. Prez brought up, we felt that it was sufficient to cover the baseline for base security for our county facility if that -- with that design.

>> what are we asked to do today?

>> judge, we were asked to bring you all of the items that would --

>> what are you asking the court to do? Look at it?

>> approve the funding.

>> move approval.

>> you want to be approved?

>> yes.

>> it's going to be --

>> committee before they go to --

>> I have no rob with that

>> [multiple voices] just a problem not getting an answer.

>> [laughter]

>> yes. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Source of funding being cash reserve. -- car reserve. Thank you all.

>> thank you. I think we need purchasing here on --

>> he's here.

>> the whole department. There he is.

>> all right. Before we get to that one, though.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 6, 2006 9:34 PM