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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 21, 2006
Item 14

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Number 14 is to receive an annual report from the Travis County child's protective services board.

>> judge and commissions, executive manager for Travis County health and human services and veterans services, I'm not going to speak very long. I wanted to share with you, we are technology challenged I'm going to distribute to you a copy of the report that the board is going to go through. Just make note that staff will post the presentation on the website for any member of the public that -- that will be missing it today because of our technology challenges. So -- so with that I will turn it over to jim larman who is our director for the office of children's services to introduce the board members.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> it's been my pleasure for the last year to work with the Travis County children's protective services board and we have a group of folks here this morning, trista allen is going to do the presentation. Our board chairman is so into children's issues that she's in tyler this morning, formalizing an adoption of her first kid. So she's not here with us. We also have -- have doctor robert

>> [indiscernible] been on the board for a good number of years. Christine black stone with the children's protective services division here of the department of family and protective services. So with that, I will turn it over to trista.

>> thank you, good morning. Pretty much the -- it's as outlined, but I want to go ahead and skip to pretty much the meat of the board summary. As it states here, the board was created by state statute in 1963, I know that you are all familiar, we can keep on flipping through the key responsibilities because as all of you put us on the board, I know that you are familiar with the key responsibilities of this board. Of course we have a partnership with the c.p.s. Board that county provides direct support local judges, the d.a.'s office, the constable's office, children's first, casa, Austin Travis County children's shelter, the county c.p.s. Board, surf board serves as the largest child population in the state, one of 68 Texas counties that invest flexible dollars to support children and families. A portion of the flexible dollars are 4 e reimbursable. As you can see the majority of the funds that are spent go into clothing and second is court ordered services and then it goes down as far as, that's the expenditure pattern for those flexible dollars in 2005. And in 2005 our major accomplishments were the prom project, the foster family appreciation picnic, celebration of family, c.p.s. Adoption day, the c.p.s. Holiday luncheon and in 2005 we had a few collaborations, the child fatality review team, Texas regional council of child welfare boards, child abuse prevention, blue ribbon campaign and the child abuse prevention proclamation. Our capital area safe kids fund is of course the non-profit arm of the c.p.s. Board and we raise funds to complement and supplement the state and Travis County funding. In the 2005 year, we raised $6,642 and spent $5,959 on such items as beds for children's purchase through the rainbow room. Travel for parents to -- to visit children who are out of -- out of county placements. The prom project as I mentioned before, and recognition events for foster parents and c.p.s. Staff. And I think that might pretty much sum up our report. Around we would be happy to take any questions that you might have.

>> thank you, that's a real good report. And y'all -- but I know that we have been trying to make a lot of connectivities to -- to ensure that we continue to support the high level of child protective services here in Travis County. I want to maybe bring up something that I know came up during the budget psych we will. We were looking at three additional law enforcement f.t.e.'s maybe on get involved in some of these -- these subject matters that you have. I'm wondering if that's basically working out through the sheriff's department with some of the f.t.e.'s, for example child abuse investigator, things like that. Have they been able to come in and do -- do those necessary things to ensure that we get a better service to -- to the children here in Travis County and I'm just wondering how has that basically been coming forward or -- with that? How have that --

>> probably have to have them speak to that.

>> my understanding is that they have got those people on board, they are starting to -- they beefed up their staff. I think the last child protection team meeting that they had brought those people on board. We have excellent collaboration with that office, their members, we are on a multi-disciplinary team with them, I think that has -- will be a stronger support for the future.

>> okay. Okay. Well, thanks. I know that it was some discussion during that time. To see how they would integrate the particular law enforcement new f.t.e.'s. In fact it was actually three and how they could integrate their service through the sheriff's department to integrate themselves within the child protective service agenda that you have on board now. I'm just really curious to see when that -- when that's going to --

>> I'm -- my understanding was that they had just added those staff here in the last month or so or just selected the people for those positions.

>> just added them last month. That's pretty quick. Go ahead.

>> I'm not sure of the date. The last meeting that I was with the child protection team they were adding that staff.

>> right. That's good to hear. We are glad that they could help fund and possible whereby you can provide a better service in Travis County, in the child protective service venture that you do have. I really appreciate the work that you do here in Travis County.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> any

>> [indiscernible] second major expenditure is court ordered services. Is that for what psychiatric services, psychological services? Stuff like that?

>> right. Drug testing, psychological, some therapeutic services. Those would be the primary.

>> so if we had the total budget listed on -- on the pie chart, age, what would that be?

>> it's a little over 438,000 I believe. Judge.

>> I think that I have it in here.

>> yeah. I'm sorry, we revised it because we were able to pull title 4 e money from the state. So the revised for '05 527,030.

>> how much of that is Travis County?

>> started out with 472492.

>> last time we looked at it, we were doing real well compared to the other counties in Texas.

>> that would be correct, judge. Of course many of the -- allow us to draw down funding, that leverages the dollars that you invest in these services. I think it's also important to note that a lot of the work that -- that the child protective services board does -- really serves to bring an air of normalcy to the lives of the children who are impacted by the child protective services system. It may seem like small things for -- for graduation presents and clothing for school and things like that. But without the -- the care that your appointees take in -- in meeting with the child protective services staff and looking at things that children need. These children would not have an opportunity to experience a lot of the things that many of us might take for granted.

>> now, we may have one or two -- vacancies on the board that Commissioners court could help us with.

>> thanks, judge. We just might.

>> I have already spoken with your office, judge.

>> [laughter]

>> now if that is not done by January 1, it will be new year's resolution number 1.

>> [laughter] I hope to get it done before then, though.

>> hope so. She's a lovely lady. She -- she also volunteers at the Austin children's shelter with me. And on Sunday that's her church. And I hope that you will appoint ms. Kirstin.

>> am I the only vacancy or are there others.

>> no name calling now. Just inquiring.

>> [laughter]

>> it's not mine because I just put on two new people because

>> [indiscernible] vacancy that I knew was coming up. So we want to welcome

>> [indiscernible] rainy and laurie, dr. Lawyer saremedas who incoming Commissioner eckhardt was very helpful in bringing her to our attention, of course nancy williams has been there for a long time.

>> we have been sort of spoiled because our appointees have kind of kept serving, we fell out of the habit of making appointments.

>> I don't know why you say that. I have only been on since 1921

>> [laughter]

>> any other questions or comments? We appreciate your service.

>> thank you so much.

>> thank you very much.

>> the full board report will be posted to the Travis County website.

>> thank you.

>> thanks.

>> keep up the good work. In addition to being heart touching, you can be heart wrenching sometimes.

>> looking forward. 2007.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 22, 2006 12:41 PM