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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 14, 2006
Item 23

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Number 23, receive comments and recommendations from the Travis County historical commission on suggestions to name the county buildings at 4011 mckinney falls parkway and 5555 airport boulevard and take appropriate action.

>> good morning judge and Commissioners, alicia perez, executive manager for operations. You have in your backup a letter from the Travis County historical commission signed by their chairman barry hutchinson. On November the 1st, the Travis County historical commission considered the -- the material and all of the information, biographies that were sent to them on naming two buildings, judge as you said, 4011 mckinney falls, which is the precinct 4 building, and then 5555 at airport boulevard, which will be a county building that is now under -- under remodeling. And they have submitted a recommendation to the court after considering their material and they held a public hearing and their recommendation is that precinct 4, building at 4011 mckinney falls parkway be named in honor of martinez who was the first law man to confront the university of Texas tower sniper charles whitman in 1966. And they also recommend that the sheriff's central command building, which is located at 5555 airport boulevard be named in honor of keith george ruiz, Travis County deputy sheriff who lost his life in the line of duty in February of 2001. In accordance with a schedule that you adopted and the policy, the final decision rests with the Commissioners court and it's been scheduled for you today. We do have several residents here today. As to 5555 airport boulevard. Is that it be named after keith george ruiz. Can I see the hands in favor of that? Okay. That's virtually everybody here. Anybody against that recommendation? Ma'am, would you like to come forth and explain to us why or tell us exactly what your sentiments are.


>> [indiscernible]

>> your dad is?


>> [indiscernible]

>> okay. And you have chatted with us, you attended the last public hearing.

>> okay.

>> is there a motion?

>> yes, judge. I would like to make a motion to name the building at 5555 airport boulevard after keith george ruiz.

>> second.

>> seconded by Commissioner Davis. Any discussion of the snotion.

>> would you allow me a very quick speaking to the motion on this? I was very struck a couple of weeks ago when this was brought forward that somebody said you know what, we need to remember and honor our past. We do, I think we also need to honor our future. I don't believe keith ruiz was our future. Keith ruiz is our future. I think keith is the kind of person in terms of who we will be hiring at the Travis County sheriff's office for now and in the future who absolutely reflects the community that he served in. He chose Travis County as his law enforcement agency that he wanted to work for. It was not his second choice, it was his first choice. He worked his way up the ranks to the position at the moment that he passed away. He married, raised three kids, lived in Travis County, chose to live in Travis County and keith chose to get a college degree for a profession where it was not required, but I have to think that at some point in the future it will be a requirement of the job to get -- have a college degree as opposed to being an option that we encourage. I have had the sad privilege of attending many an officer's funeral during the time I was at the tv station and as a commission, I have never seen an outpouring of love as I did at keith's funeral. By ordinary citizens that somehow had come into contact with him, not only just through law enforcement, but through his kids, through his church, through athletic activities, through mentoring, it was just the most amazing event that I had the privilege of attending in my life. Sometimes a person's contributions are not measured by his days on earth. So I am very privileged to vote in favor of the ruiz building.

>> I have to be reminded as well veterans day at the state capitol, our congressman doggett talked about some of the young people who have -- who are the modern day heros for all of us. And that's -- that's really correct. That it -- that here's a young man just a wonderful role model for our community. And as have people in the past, people in the past open the doors for many of us, to be where we are today. They will never be forgotten. And yet to continue to move forward following the examples of other young people in our community, to stand up and be counted. To show up when you have to be present. For all of the people who are dependent on you. Not only your family, your children, but your community. And that means a lot. In today's world especially. As -- as we -- as we continue growing together and what one person does, what one person does affects another person and so in that way, we are all connected with each other and sometimes we say well I'm going to go off and do my own thing. And I think we really need to think about that. In doing our own thing, how are we affecting others. And certainly the example that keith and his family bernadette and your sons have given all of us, is truly inspiring. Truly inspiring and I'm so proud to be able to -- to make this motion and to work with you all. And I look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you.

>> all in favor of the motion? That passes by unanimous vote. Appreciate everybody's participating on that one. The committee also recommended that on the 4011 mckinney falls parkway item, I misplaced my letter. What's mr. Martinez's first name.

>> ramirez martinez --

>> ramiro.

>> ramiro. Let me just say mr. Martinez

>> [laughter]

>> people call him ray.

>> okay. And for those listening, he was a person who --

>> he was the first to confront the sniper in 1966 at the university of Texas tower.

>> right. Of those here who is in favor of that? Two? And who is in favor of another name? Move that we follow the can he's recommendation and -- committee's recommendation and name the 4011 mckinney falls parkway building after mr. Martinez?

>> discussion.

>> very briefly to speak to the motion, I think mr. Martinez, there are probably those who will say that his career was defined by that day up on top of the tower. The reality is that he was a very distinguished law enforcement officer with the Austin police department. And later with the Texas rangers. And so -- so while some will say it's just about that day, it was about a lifetime of service. To not only Travis County, the city of Austin, a.p.d., he served them so well, but also to the state of Texas.

>> and again I think that it's another -- another wonderful example of -- of people being -- taking jobs that are very public to protect the entire community and not just part of a community. And so it -- when you do that, it calls for -- for being present every day, being where you are expected to be every day, and in his case, he was off duty that day, but I guess he felt enough responsibility for this community to -- to just come on duty and do his job. And it was for everyone in Travis County. Not just for a few. That tells a lot about a person.

>> it's amazing that -- that mr. -- you know, I was here, born in Austin, Texas, here during that day. It was a dark day here in the city of Austin, state of Texas and the nation. I can recall it very vividly in my mind. What happened that day. And the thing about what we are doing today is that the person that the motion has been made on is still with us, you know, it's good to sometimes get your applause while you're around, to witness those kind of things. So many -- times recognition is sometimes given after the person that we recognize is no longer here to feel what we're doing, in this particular case mr. Martinez is still here with us present. Thank goodness if this motion carries we will be able to give him his recognition that he just deserves for I think a long, long time. And his family because he was -- it was a sacrifice and this whole community -- anyway, I don't want to go back to that. But anyway the whole community is the beneficiary of such a great person, courage and bravery. I'm willing to second the motion that was made here today for -- for the naming of the building after mr. Martinez.

>> anybody here against the recommendation? All in favor of the motion? That passes by unanimous vote. We have two newly named buildings.

>> yes, sir. We will be working with the families and supporters on dedication ceremonies for both of the buildings.

>> thank you.

>> thank you for your participation and input. That's what makes us the great democracy that we are.

>> thank you.

>> amen.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 6:30 PM