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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 14, 2006
Item 18

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Number 18 is to consider and take appropriate action on request for funding to cover multiple projects performed by american youthworks previously recommended for community development block grant funding. This item y'all represents a $90,000 commitment. This entity basically performs a lot of work for us and -- in our parks and so it's a county -- county services item. Number 2 is workforce development for some of our young people. And the other thing is -- another reason why it was attractive to us is that this $90,000 would enable this non-profit agency to access a much larger sum of money from state or federal funds and any -- any additional comments?

>> if I may, executive manager for health and human services and veterans service. Only that the court had previously selected this project under our cdbg program. As you are aware, we had to scale back that program. So I believe that is what began the court's discussion about potential funding for this project.

>> the source of funding that I recommend and move that we take 90,000 from is allocated reserve.

>> second.

>> this is a kind of win-win-win for us I think and would be a wise investment.

>> when will we be able to --

>> [inaudible - no mic] if this motion passes of course, those folks that have been calling me, we need to let them know that what Travis County Commissioners court is doing, but it still would be also good to know and try to track some of the things that they are doing. I know they have been doing a really good job. No doubt about it in my mind as far as helping our youth, it still would be good to keep some type of peek and look-see at the progress that they are making and what they are engaging in at the time. So I would like to maybe kind of follow that as much as possible and draft a report to you as much as possible on that tracking phase of this and -- I will let those folks know that if this passes that the court is -- what it's going to do.

>> we will be happy to, Commissioner. Of course the agency like all of the agencies that you fund will -- will modify its work statement and -- and attach performance measures to these funds and report to us on their performance under this new amount of funding. So we certainly can provide you updates on their use of the funding.

>> with this amount of money, what -- what will the -- what will the multiplier effect of -- maybe not multiplier effect, but what additional money will be able to be gathered? From what we are doing from the commitment that we are making today as far as putting that initial amount, what is the final yield?

>> $650,000 roughly.

>> plus yes the american youth works has a large americorps grant which as you know allows opportunities for young people to not only do some skill building, but also earn scholarships that they can apply to -- to higher education. You will also be leveraging your own funding that's almost at $189,000 plus with the programs through health and human services and transportation and natural resources. So you get to not only leverage federal and state funding, but also your own funding as well.

>> and that's good to hear. I wanted the public to hear that. I wanted it to come from staff, so they can know exactly what we are really getting as far as that's concerned. Thank you.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you all.

>> thanks.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 14, 2006 6:30 PM