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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 7, 2006
Consent Items

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Posted for consent are c-1 through c-6 and show those to be ready. We've been asked to consider adding the following items to the consent motion. If we with put an item on the consent motion it means basically we do not discuss it today. They are: 3 a and b. 4, 5. Issues with six?

>> I got got my questions answered?

>> any problem with six being on the consent motion? Then 6 will be on there. What about number 7? Up to $180,031.

>> move approval.

>> no issues?

>> no problem. $1,831.

>> there's a ceiling on the money, $1,831, that's the amount requested basically.

>> my only question, judge, was on the time line.

>> right.

>> because I'm not here on that -- is that a Tuesday? I'm not here that Tuesday.

>> December fifth. On the schedule it's proposed, so we would adopt it and try to stick to it. We would modify it as we see fit is what I'm thinking.

>> I'm just thinking oi loud, which is the fifth.

>> that's the preference, but we may need to modify that later on. The most important thing I think is for the committee to short list and get that list to us and then for us to move expeditiously. Is that okay?

>> as long as we understand. It's a fluid thing.

>> okay. We will try to get all of us to participate in the court interviews. We'll remain incredibly flexible. Number 8 with three changes. One is that instead of lupping 35,000 with the other money, we pull it out. Two is that we take number 4 in the work plan and sort of use it for the county. And three is that we add private -- the private sector to the public sector and practices to policies, which in my view would make it a lot more helpful for us and a lot more productive. The other thing we chatted about was that we would do all we could to make sure that the county and any of the county contract agency collaborate with the re-entry round table as possible, especially during the next year. And these would be consent on directions to staff and agreement by the parties and hopefully by next Tuesday or the following Tuesday we would have a similar contract that basically contains these elements. The re-entry round table has already the use of space at palm school, so we may be able to modify that. Either we modify that contract or we pull that piece into another one, but on something like this we ought to have one contract to deal with it.

>> I agree. Fire department.

>> judge, for the quick and dirty because I see some puzzled looks in the front, they are here to spoat this, is we're attaching our funding to specific tasks as opposed to throwing it into the yient pool and then we have issues related to the auditor. To this is a clean way to do it.

>> this ought to be 100% consistent with our Thursday meeting, right? But they're here in we need to discuss this item. And I did get y'all on my e-mail list because yesterday I exchanged e-mails with ronnie earl and the court regarding this matter. We could have plugged you in, but my excuse is I didn't have your e-mail address. So that's number 8. And from 8 we jump to 11. 11, 12, 13. 16. 17, 19, 20 a and b. So that's all of 20. 21, 22, 24. I think I understand 24.

>> it's tied to a budget transaction.

>> 25 with the understanding that that really is a Travis County fleet. Here we say Travis County sheriff's office vehicle fleet. It's really the Travis County fleet for the sheriff's office. The importance of that is that this vehicle needs to be maintained, repaired, fueled, etcetera, the line item is really in the traik fleet, but I don't think -- the Travis County fleet. I don't think there's any problem with that action but we got that clarification from I think personnel. 27. So 25 to 27, and number 28.

>> right.

>> would anybody like to pull any of these items?

>> could I comment on 18?

>> why don't we do that after the motion. Fall in favor of the -- all in favor of the consent motion? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:11 PM