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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 7, 2006
Item 2

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Number two is to approve resolution recognizing November 11th, 2006 as veterans' day in Travis County. We have mr. Ollie folk here to receive this as usual. Should I read the proclamation?

>> yes, please.

>> it reads: whereas the citizens of Travis County have throughout the history of our great nation been in the forefront of those who have made sacrifices for the freedoms we all enjoy. Whereas those residents who have served the united states armed force vz brought honor and distinction to Travis County through their service. Whereas many of our residents have made the ultimate sacrifice in that they have given their lives in defense of our country in order to up hold our democratic principles and preserve our way of life. Whereas it is appropriate that the proclamation and -- proiltic and -- patriotic and unselfish service of those americans be celebrated. Now therefore be it resolved by the Travis County Commissioners court that all citizen of Travis County are asked to observe November 11, 2006 as veterans day with the appropriate programs and activities focusogthe achieve ams of those who have served this great nation and showing appreciation for their service. Move approval.

>> second.

>> morning.

>> good morning. Thank you, judge, good morning, Commissioners. Ollie pope, Travis County veterans services department. As you know, the parade is on time and on schedule. We will hopefully not have inclement weather. It's reported 20% action but you know that it never rains on a parade, so we'll be owb there in full force. The parade is going to start approximately 9:00 o'clock up congress and it will end at the steps of the capitol where at 11:00 a ceremony will be performed. This year we are honoring the Texas national guard. This is the front of the program. The 36 its infantry division. Now, if you look at the patch that they are currently wearing now, this patch was reinstated a couple of years ago. It was the 49th infantry division. The arrowhead on the patch represents a national guard unit in oklahoma combined with a Texas national guard unit represented by the t. So this is the current patch of the unit located at camp mabry. The parade marshal will be an individual by the name of albert dietrich. This is a picture of him. He served in the national guard of the 36th infantry division. There he is right here during world war ii. He is currently the editor of the 36th infantry's association newsletter. He is the past president of that association also. So we're welcome to have him and we're pleased that the parade and the ceremony will go off without a hitch. You are all invited. Anyone who would like to be present at the reviewing stand, at the stephen f. Austin hotel on the balcony, just come up, your name is on the list, just come up. Now, I'd like to side step a little bit. In the past during memorial day and veterans' day you have all shown tremendous support for the veterans of Travis County. As the past president of the Texas association for county service officers I would like to take this opportunity to present you an appreciation certificate for the county service officers of Texas and myself as the past president for the past two yeez, I would like to present this certificate. This certificate reads, and each and every one of your names will be presented on there. Sam Biscoe, Travis County judge.

>> that's a good start.

>> [ laughter ]

>> you have to start with the first one, right? Okay. For outstanding services, accept this certificate of appreciation, the veterans county service officers association of Texas is honored to present this certificate in recognition of outstanding, dedicated service to veterans, their widows and their dependents, signed ollie pope, junior, past president veterans county services officers association of Texas be. I would like to present this to you also. Each one of you. What would be appropriate?

>> we get our own? I didn't know that. I thought I had to share mine with the rest of the court.

>> [ laughter ]

>> no, no.

>> you can ask, but do I have to say yes?

>> [ laughter ] by the way, let's vote before we go. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. That's that beautiful proclamation.

>> [ inaudible ].

>> we don't have an awar budget like our veterans services office does. That's very valuable. A lot more valuable than it looks.

>> all right.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 7, 2006 10:11 PM