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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 26, 2006
Item 8

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We have come to number eight, which is to consider and take appropriate action to adopt order approving Travis County budget for fy '07.

>> and you have before you a four-page order which looks very similar to previous year's ores. Orders. The numbers are different. But now having established the tax rate you have a budget that was proposed and filed on Friday. It reflects all of the actions taken by the Commissioners court during the budget markup process and subsequent Tuesdays and I believe is ready for you and legally acceptable form.

>> christian, now in backup mine had a lot of blanks in it.

>> you should have a new -- the reason you had blanks is is because we hadn't filed it yet. When we gave up backup, up at the top it should have said do not sign. One year you signed it with blanks. We then filed the budget and then laced the appropriate numbers into a revised order which counsel should have delivered to your office -- or maybe I did yesterday. I gave it to melissa yesterday. You should have two copies of the original order.

>> I have the originals in the originals' file. Has the court seen these numbers?

>> I haven't.

>> I can give those numbers to you that are in the blanks if you'd like.

>> what we'll do is just apply the tax rate to the numbers that we've been working with during markup and afterwards those numbers in the two originals that I have before me, do you want to take a look at those?

>> yeah. Or he can go over the blanks -- fill the blanks in as we write them in. It won't take a second to do that.

>> and 3.8, reappropriated grant funds not to exceed $30 million under 4.1 is property encumbered balances at the end of fiscal year 2006 to the extent that they do not exceed $40 million. That's for encumbrances. Properly preencumberred balances to the end of 2006 to the extent they do not exceed $15 million. Capital account balances as of September 30th, 2006 to the extent that they do not exceed $85 million. And an amount of voter approved bonds to be issued that does not exceed $103 million. These are maximums that we are advised by the county attorney's office we need to place in. Budget order so is that as '06 is behind us and you're able to pay these amounts in '07. And the total of all of these including the budget itself is not to exceed an amount totaling $893,844,481.

>> and number five on page -- what would be page 3 if they were numbered?

>> that's correct. And there are no motions.

>> motion to approve.

>> second.

>> that's one. Seconded by Commissioner Sonleitner. So y'all type these names in the order or should I write them in? On motion made by a name goes there, it would be Sam Biscoe.

>> yes. We want you to write those in if you would, please.

>> judge, would you allow us to take about 30 seconds to have some thoughts about this budget.

>> I would be less than a competent county judge if I did not allow that.

>> then I will take that as a yes.

>> that means yes.

>> you know, as we calls finish off here with just final comments I want to first off always start with our sincere thanks to everybody that worked on this budget, whether newer this room or within the sound of our voice, planning a budget, all the departments, elected officials, appointed officials, an be ob vubsly the auditor's office, everyone who brought things forward to make this a smooth running process. And in terms of how I will remember this budget process, the judge always asks us as we get to the end of our markup session, bring passion to the table, and I am especially proud of the things that we put in there during markup. It was almost $2.2 million that I intend to let the community action network know when we have our retreat that were put in thr related to ongoing or brand new initiatives related to fighting poverty, remented to -- related to basic needs, workforce investment oart the health and human services side or just as a public safety related to folks coming out of the criminal justice system, child care, the five percent for our social service contracts and our after school network partners, fowndz casa for the down at risk youth, children's partnership, and especially mental health. The county is absolutely stepping up to the plate in terms of a community wide effort to do more to keep folks who have special issues out of our criminal justice system and get attention to their thing. So thank you for everybody and I am especially proud to have cast my vote in favor of this.

>> and I think you covered all of the things that I would certainly speak about, but thanks to staff for making the process so much more smoother. And thanks.

>> any other comments? All in favor? Nan. We appreciate the hard work, dedication of our budget office, managers and staff. This was not an easy job. It gets longer each year it seems and a bit more complicated. That's why we need all of thank you sto stay on at least another year. [ laughter ]

>> work begins next week on the fy '08 budget.

>> christian lshd sent an -- already sent an e-mail asking for recommendations, etcetera.

>> while it's fresh in your mind.

>> I think we're meeting tomorrow.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, September 27, 2006 9:54 AM