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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 19, 2006
Items 16 & 17

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And I think the only two items left with the building naming items, right?

>> yes, sir. Number -- did we take 17 first?

>> take 16 -- that is the number building.

>> yes, but I think they are linked.

>> all right. This is 16 consider and take appropriate action on request to issue call for recommendations to name the county-owned building at 5555 airport boulevard.

>> yes, sir, in accordance with the policy, I believe the court last week wanted to open up the names of 55, 55 airport, which will be the sheriff's administrative office. That is due to open April/may of next summer. What we would do is provide a written notice and sent out a press release calling for names and then we could put two, three weeks on that and bring it back to the court once those names were submitted. After the names were submitted, we would bring them to court. You would set a public hearing. After the public hearing and you got public comment it would go to the historical commission and they would review the nominations and get back to the court with their comments. Final determination of naming of the building is a per purview of the Commissioners court.

>> how did we in fact determine we ought to name the building? Is that covered by the policy?

>> that is why we developed a policy, there were suggestions of naming facilities and we had a few of them that were name and some we've just changed the name. Soond the court wanted to get and -- so the court wanted to go ahead and develop a policy and that's what we did in 1996. We developed that policy.

>> some have been to try to give them an identity or to change an old identity. For example, 5555 the one we are talking about here, we've known it as the hagerty building and to try to distinguish it from the set of county buildings next door, this is one that is I think more appropriate to get a name and set it apart from another sheriff's location. We've also given east command and west command for tcso names. And I think next door we specifically chose not to put a name attached to the airport at this point in part to get people used to the idea that this was the airport boulevard location for things and so we put that to the side to kind of give the address an identity, but I think this particular one to be consistent with what we did on east and west command and tcso and tols -- also to distinguish it from the other county building there is.

>> is there a motion?

>> move that we --

>> basically implement the county policy in.

>> implement the county policy and have a naming opportunities on 5555 airport boulevard.

>> discussion on the motion? All those in favor. Commissioners Gomez, Daugherty, and son lighter voting -- 17 is to consider and take appropriate action on recommendations received to name the precinct four building at 4011 mckin any parkway.

>> this is the naming on this particular building. We've received several recommendation on the naming of the building and we would set a public hearing and inform the people that is their forum with which to address the court and after that it will be sent to the historical commission and back to the court for decision.

>> last week it was motioned to have these two on parallel tracks.

>> we can do that.

>> and if we do that, we need to delay the public hearing on this one. And if we do so we need to open this back up to names and notify those who do not send the appropriate resumes and to me it didn't make shens shens to do that. But if we have six, seven weeks I have no problem with saying hey, you submit ad name but not the resume. And one or two people called my office and said are we too late to submit a name? And I said, you missed the deadline without saying it's too late. So if we are waiting for six, seven more weeks, in fairness notify those people and say we've extended the deadline and the public hearing, so if you get your name to us anz a resume and give them a date, you see what I'm saying? On the precinct four building --

>> well, judge, what I would suggest and I think that is a good suggestion to go ahead and extend it, but it doesn't have to be six to eight more weeks.

>> what is the death line on six.

>> we need talk about that. We knew that the historical commission was not meeting over the summer. They are now back and so if we had -- I'll call it a compressed schedule for 5555 we would then have them back on parallel paths. I would suggest three weeks on airport and three weeks on precinct four and that should get us back into the cycle related to the historical commission.

>> we could do that.

>> now, we 'tied this, right?

>> yes, sir.

>> is four weeks going to be enough? It take as week to get it into the upnewspaper.

>> if we send out a press release tomorrow I think we can get it published by the weekend? By the weekend.

>> sorry?

>> I said we usually do it via press release and if we send it out tomorrow, we can get it published probably by the weekend.

>> when does the historical commission meet sf.

>> the first Monday of every pont, or -- of evermonth.

>> what we did last week, nothing counted --

>> we didn't do anything last week --

>> well, it was on the agenda -- we didn't take no action?

>> we did not.

>> I felt it was to really set -- the first thing we were to do I thought was to really set the public hearing per se --

>> yes, that is what was discussed but the court took no action --

>> we didn't do anything per se.

>> brought it back this week.

>> if we decide what to do on 16, that will decide on 17 if they are on parallel tracks. So I'm saying if we set a deadline on 16 and then I'm suggesting we set the same new deadline on 17.

>> I'm with you.

>> the same deadline, judge?

>> makes sense to me.

>> okay, and if we --

>> take a week to get it advertised, if it's two weeks it gets it done, and if you give three weeks you effectively need give a month from today. And what if our deadline is the Friday before the fourth Tuesday from now?

>> prior to the fourth Tuesday?

>> so we could have the hearing on the fourth Tuesday and get it to the historical commission the first week in November?

>> correct.

>> thank is a great plan.

>> so deadline October --

>> no, that is the second week, jill.

>> he said the fourth Tuesday, that is the 15th. And then the deadline would be the 13th.

>> okay, yeah, that will work.

>> so if you seat public hearing you may want to put it in the notice that the public hearing will be on the 24th of October and that may we can make the decision and send it to the next meeting of the travis county historical society.

>> yes, and we'll give them a heads up.

>> I'm can you, just make sure we are back timing and getting the correct date. So when would we actually have the public laterring?

>> the 13th.

>> that is the Friday, and that would be the deadline --

>> October 24.

>> yes, 24th.

>> are thought --

>> yes the 3rd plus 21 is 24, okay.

>> the deadline on October 13 and that is a public hearing on October 24.

>> right.

>> as well as on the 17th we need to schedule it for the 24th.

>> yeah.

>> that will get it done and then a week or two before the historical commission.

>> and we'll call them and just let it know that both of the nominations are coming for their first meeting in November.

>> and the same date for the 17th? The same dates for no. 17?

>> 16?

>> 16 and 17, we were just talking about dates for 16 --

>> oh, I thought we already moved to 17, I apologize. Yeah, I'm cool with that, judge, and if you want to take that in the form of motion, for 16 and 17 I would say that extension for deadline are Friday, October 13 with the intention of a public hearing on 16 and 17's building for Tuesday, October 24 with us getting a recommendation or getting information on to the historical commission for their earle November meeting.

>> got those? Any more discussion? All in favor, that passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:25 AM