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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 19, 2006
Item 12

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12-b, the amendments approved as a part of the consent motion, and the career ladder sheriff's office and pay scale tops Travis County code, 10.0295-e-2 and d-1 and whoever is coming over on the bariatric item and 40 and 41 for the sheriff's office needs to move this way.

>> good morning.

>> the sheriff's office committed three p.a.f.'s for a career ladder and exception to the current policy. The request is to move three slots to step 2 pay grade 72 to grade 74. And currently on the pops scale, 74 step 2 is visibly not reconflicted. There are -- reflected. There are certain steps on the pops scale that are not visual on the scale. So 74 step 2 is currently not reflected on the scale. And they are requesting that amount to be reflect and approve the p.a.f. For their career ladder. That is what the first step is in terms of the request. The second request is to move the three individuals to pay grade 74 step three. So the first action is to move the three individuals to pay grade 74 step 2 that is currently not reflected. The second action is to correct their pay to step 3, pay grade 74.

>> okay, now, grade 74 is on the scale but not reflected on the scale --

>> steps 1 and 2 are currently blank on the scale. It starts at step 3.

>> what is the reason for that? Did we just fall asleep one day or... --

>> debbie from the sheriff's office.

>> good morning. Judge, Commissioners, here for the sheriff's office. Normally if there are no freezes on the scale, you cannot be a senior deputy until you reach step 3 because you have been a deputy and you have moved from step 1 to 2 and then to 3 when you promote to senior. So with the freeze that took place a couple of years ago, these three new deputies came from the outside as a deputy sheriff and started that first step. When the freedz freeze happened, they remained at that first step and then next step 2 and they are in step 2 because of the freeze. If the freeze hadn't happened, everyone would go at least to that third step as a senior, and that is why there is a blank in there. It's normally not used. We have asked that in the new scale, when it's adopted that all of the blanks on the scale be plugged in with salaries so we don't run into this again.

>> -- out there in terms -- the freeze happened -- was it one year or two years that we did --

>> right, but there's only these three because they were hired in as deputy sheriffs from the outside. Most all of our deputy sheriffs come from our corrections bureau, around so they have moved down the scale and been corrections peas officers, and so when they pronote deputy sheriff, they are normally already at step 5 or 6, beyond the first two steps. It's only those who came into the deputy sheriff title from the outside that are effected and there is just these three right now. We do have some new ones coming in, but if we plug in these salary, we won't have this next year.

>> in terms of the missing step, just filling in the blanks and that is easy, reflecting what it would be, but louann or debbie, either one, I'm still not getting it with these folks promoting slightly earlier than they are entitled --

>> they are not promoting early --

>> that's what I was getting confused.

>> they are promoting at their second year to senior deputy, but because they came in during their first two years as a deputy from the outside, they were step 1 and step 2, and when they should be going to senior deputy at step 3, they got frozen, and so they stayed at step 1 for two years.

>> except for that, this would be a natural progression.

>> right.

>> except for the freeze and coming in from the outside --

>> yes.

>> let me confirm, are you saying it's only these three officers and that's it, and they just kind of got caught?

>> right. For this year --

>> okay!

>> now, for seven we need the numbers plugged in. Right now we are getting ready to hire within the next six months two new deputies from the outside, and so if there should be a freeze next year or the year after next -- if we plug the blanks in in next year's pop scale, we won't have to worry about it again.

>> you're talking about the potential in case in the future --

>> right, as of right now --

>> this would be it and we need to fix the pop scale to correct that so in future if a Commissioners court went to a --

>> yes.

>> move approval.

>> second.

>> further discussion? Thanks for the clarification by the way.

>> thank you.

>> all in favor, that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 20, 2006 10:25 AM