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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 29, 2006
Item 31

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I wanted the one slightly above that, and that is number 31, which is to consider and take appropriate action on the following, petition on the east Travis County gateway district, and 31-b is an order calling an election for the creation of the east travis gateway library district.

>> good morning, again, court. I'm here with dan smith with mr. Bill hilgers, who is the attorney and one of the floikts the applicants for the east travis gateway library drifkt. Last week we received the petition from the applicant. We formally filed that petition with the registrar after the court instructed us to review the petition to make sure it met requirements of the law. Based on our review it meets all the requirements of the law. One of the most important parts of reviewing the petition, the applicant would have to have five percent of the number of voters in the territory of the proposed district that voted in the last gubernatorial election. In your backup you will see a certificate from the voter registrar saying that bifg 38 total would have been 1,596. Five percent of that is 80. The petition had 273 signatures, and 242 of those 273 were found to be valid. So they meet the requirement under that section of the law. And that's an update on what we have done since last Tuesday. Soirkts petition is in order. The requisite number of registered voters have signed it.

>> all we need to do behaving shri to approve the proposed order. Do we need to do that plus something else?

>> you need to grant the petition so you would approve item a, and then you need to order the election, which is item b.

>> move that we grant the petition and the election November 7th of 2006. That's the motion, seconded by Commissioner Gomez. Mrs. Hilgers, how you dismoing.

>> toipt introduce my -- I want to introduce my wife and who has been the librarian and of whom I'm very proud. This will provide a whole new dimension of learning opportunities for east Travis County and for the people to improve their job skills, their learning capacits. We're very excite bd this. Whoap the court -- we hope the court will observe this with pleasure. I'd like to thank again the staff at every level who have been very helpful in the process.

>> thank you. We appreciate your dedication, hard work and perseverance. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> your honor, may I make one more observation? I've heard this morning some comments about several issues in which the judge troaferd 17 years -- the judge referred to 17 years you've heard the same binge about homeless issues. You've heard for a long time about environmental issues. 35 he years ago we had the war on poverty here and hi the honor and responsibility of addressing a lot of these issues then. I'd like to address the power and the influence of this court. This court has much more influence and power than it sometimes recognizes. Sometimes you are necessarily involved in a reaction to proposals. You hear what's proposed and have you to decide on the equity of it. This court also has a unique capacity to be a catalyst for change, identify the critical issues that must be addressed and try to find ways to invite people to submit proposals to address those issues instead of reacting to what comes before you and having a critique and a kind of war on both sides. To me this is an opportunity for catalytic change in the community strategy and this court can lead the wait a minute I just make that observation.

>> office we don't have those -- if we don't have those wars plrks hilgers, don't have much fun down here. [ laughter ]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 30, 2006 12:28 PM