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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 25, 2006
Item 25

View captioned video.

Number 25 is to draw names from grand jury pool for elected officials salary grievance committee for 2006 as required by section 152.015 of the local government code.

>> good morning, dana debeauvoir, Travis County clerk. Pursuant to 152 of the local government code, I have for you the names and addresses of lasted year's grand jury serving members, and what we need to do is select enough individuals so that we'll have a pool of people to create the salary grievance committee if we need it. The way it usually works is a nine-member panel. I usually ask for each of you to pick three or four so we have extras. Would that be all right? Are you ready to choose?

>> I'm going to yield to the judge this time on my picking.

>> okay. Then I would ask that you each draw about five names. That would be okay.

>> and that describes exactly how this is supposed to be done. So should I pull five?

>> yes, sir, that would be fine.

>> okay. Dave mayfield is number one. Number two is ted regnier. Number 3 is dale werner. By the way, these are wrapped so tightly that even if you look into the hat you don't see anything...

>> completely scientific.

>> major craddock.

>> like going to the lottery.

>> is that four? So one more for me, by me?

>> carlos melios.

>> tony caferaz. Chester anderson. Sandy wilson. Common spelling. I have the easy ones. [ inaudible ].

>> lindia harris. Lyndia. Marjorie mackey. John dehorney. Elizabeth geise. Richard bernal. Yolanda edwards.

>> thank you, judge and Commissioners. And so we need how many people?

>> excuse me. Thank you, judge. We'll start preparing the list. What we do is we call and ask them. We need nine individuals who ar willing to serve if called. So what we'll do is we'll set up the first group that you called as our first choices and then the others will be alternates.

>> okay. As the law says. The first member of the committee becomes an alternate upon acceptance by the clerk. If a person refuses to sit on commit, a replacement shall be appoint frd the list of alternates. That's why we drew a lot more than seven.

>> yes, sir, practical.

>> this is an outstanding public service opportunity for those who will be contacted.

>> put it on a resume.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, July 26, 2006 10:34 AM