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Travis County Commissioners Court

July 11, 2006
Item 27

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27 is to consider and take appropriate action on the following matter related to the Travis County health care did it board of managers. A schedule of candidate interviews, b, questions for interviews with candidates, and c, other related issues. And just in case we need to, we can take part of 27 into executive session if we need it.

>> [One moment please for change in captioners.]

>> ...the question is whether you want to get it down to four or three because unfortunately there's only four slots. We don't have five like we did the last time around. And we brought in 10 for the five, so the question is whether you think we ought to short list it to three unless there's somebody that is so compelling that you say, yeah, throw in a fourth. It seems like three would give us a broad range of possibilities of folks of their vision, etcetera.

>> for the court's information, over lunch I was able to speak with the manager of the health care district and she did tell me that manager young is ameanable to be appointed to serve a few extra months if the court felt like it needed that time to get through this process for whatever reason. So I thought I should make sure that you were aware of that. July 31st a new appointee could potentially be in place by August 1st if you moved at that rate.

>> what I provided yesterday was copies of the resumes, but we actually have applications, conflict of interest statements and the whole ball of wax from each of them. If it's the court's desire, Commissioner Sonleitner and I could work with ms. Fleming, and look at these eight and try to short list them down to three for interview by the court and maybe schedule those interviews in open court, but not televised on a Thursday afternoon when we don't have a work session. I think we're looking at probably getting it done in two to three weeks.

>> I think we're going to need the schedule. We might have to hang over an extra week or two, but certainly nothing more than that.

>> so this term expires?

>> July 31st.

>> and judge, I think you had mentioned asking the president and ceo to participate in some way in this. I'm not exactly sure at this point how you wanted her to participate.

>> I may have concluded that that may not be a good idea. It struck me as being brilliant when I thought of it spontaneously, but after sleeping on it, I concluded maybe not. Let me sleep on it again. Let's do that. We'll short list down to three and we'll check with you and your schedules and try to post those one Thursday afternoon when we don't have a work session and reserve the Commissioners courtroom for interviews. Try to get that done during the month of July. We'll check with the schedules and make sure. I tell you what, if Thursday's not available, what about Monday or Wednesday if we do the afternoon? Could be the first part of August also.

>> as long as it's not a campo Monday.

>> we'll work with the schedules and see because it would be good to have all five of us present if possible. But we'll shoot for late July, and if that's not available -- we'll put our questions together, start with the ones we used last time, modify those, share them with the court. The court doesn't have to ask the same questions, but the court will know what we asked.

>> on would it be the court's direction of staff to prepare an agenda item maybe to extend for 30 days the appointment of tom young so that he can continue to work with the board?

>> is there not a carryover provision?

>> not as such, no.

>> excellent idea.

>> yeah.

>> we will confer with the health care district about the time period, so it could be 30 days or whatever we think might be appropriate.

>> okay.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, July 12, 2006 10:47 AM