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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 13, 2006
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next. This item gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda. And for the world beginning today we need to strictly enforce that otherwise we lose control of the agenda. Last week was a good example. So your testimony needs to be about an item not on the agenda. And we will -- we will -- testimony is allowed for up to three minutes. Diane clayton is first.

>> [indiscernible] [inaudible - no mic]

>> which item is it? Bruce king or is it kline? Bruce kline? Phillip a. Dick. I am here as you know talking about my innocent son. Roosevelt, jr. I would like to announce that the parents of concerned inmates is having our first meeting since I have been in paralegal school. Our first meeting will be June the 22nd, 2006, at the dewitty center. I will have fliers typed up with the time, with the meeting place, I asked old members and new members to participate and I have been trying to get in contact with the -- with some people from the police department department, other departments, trying to get them to participate and be there to hear the parents concerns about their inmate loved ones just like I知 concerned about mine. So -- so I will have fliers and you can pick those fliers up and -- at the dewitty center, I will have them passed around. Out in the public and -- and I think that I may be able to leave -- leave some -- some at a body shop, mr. Roy harden's body shop. That was one announcement that I would like to make. Then I知 making announcement about official complaints of negligence. Against -- against our departments that -- that we have here and we have employees that misrepresent these departments. I知 concerned about it. It just driving me crazy with all of these misleading lies, misleading statements and they are not true. These people work in the county. And in these prestigious offices like the judge's office of -- of Travis County district judge of -- of jon wiser. The 299th, you know, district court. Okay, when there's misrepresentation in the sheriff's department, the sheriff hamilton asked me no later than when I was in here last week, did I ever get my -- union resolved, I haven't because of the -- because of the investigations never -- never are completed. They dry up. Because there's a conspiracy going on. And -- I wished that I could get more help on this because I知 not the only one that's going through this with a child with the changing of the cause numbers. My god, all of these misrepresentations of lies to cover up and -- and -- and, you know, show that my son really did do this, and -- and me and judge bob perkins and all of us, I have other paralegals working on it. Oh, I also have -- it's -- if the actual -- innocence with the university of Texas, they are looking into it now. Because -- because he is innocent. He did not commit this crime. All of these misleading files. I would appreciate some help, I want the truth out. I知 tired of the lies, I want nothing but the truth. Thank you.

>> thank you.

>> rhonda king is next.

>> just to reiterate on what my mother was just speaking about, she's always said to go and have, look and see if anything is there that should not be there. I went to -- to court right across the street here. And -- and this -- this information here, it has my name on it, it has the state of Texas versus brenda king, it says that at 11:50 a.m., may 3rd, 2006, it will file and -- and this cause number is a -- is a -- I asked them to look on it, under this cause number to find out exactly what it was pertaining to. This is like an assault case. But it has someone else's name on it. But here it has my name on it. And I never have been assaulted, I have never been arrested for any of this. And -- and so -- so I can't say that this is a typing error. This is just a flat out lie. Because this is not my cause number and I don't know how my name got on it. So -- so it's true that when -- what my mother is saying, I have a state bar number here. With this attorney information on it. And this is not me. But that does happen. So she's not just saying that something is going on, it really is, because this is not microchip, that's all I need to say.

>> okay. This is not mine, that's all I need to say.

>> thank you. John kuhl.

>> good morning, judge and Commissioners, john kuhl, chierment value officer. Just wanted to take a moment this morning and have -- have the distinct pleasure of introducing to you our new environmental quality program manager who I -- who I hope becomes a very familiar face before you, one that you enjoy working with, john a. White comes to us from maricopa county, phoenix, arizona. Has a background in -- in not only environmental issues, but transportation issues, consumer protection and -- and has worked in -- in state government in new york and wisconsin and very, very grateful and lucky to have him, wanted to introduce john a. White.

>> welcome.

>> welcome, john.

>> thank you very much.

>> looking forward to working with you.

>> yes.

>> thank you.

>> anything that you want to say, john, to us? I mean it's a lot of work involved in that, you know -- hot button department under john kuhl. Glad to have you on board. Anything that you want to say?

>> yes, sir. This is a great opportunity for me to get back into environmental issues that have been really the focus of my career. It's a great opportunity to serve a fine community and I知 glad to be here. Thank you very much.

>> thank you. Milder climate [laughter]

>> don't blame me. I did not bring that with me.

>> well, what -- thank you very much.

>> we were walking to lunch yesterday, I asked him if he needed a sweater. [laughter]

>> john, we have a wonderful sheriff here not quite as flamboyant as where you come from.

>> does he have a tank? [laughter]

>> no tank or uniforms.

>> thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:58 AM