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Travis County Commissioners Court

June 13, 2006
Item 2

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We are going back to item no. 2, approve proclamation recognizing the 17th annual Juneteenth celebration to be held on day" celebration to be held on Friday, June 16, 2006.

>> this proclamation sets out a little bit about Juneteenth in this state and importantly in the fourth whereas, nationals and regions are -- religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that continues to influence our society today. By appreciating the conditions and experiences of others we can make significant and lasting improvements in human relations and cultural appreciation in our society. Whereas as we celebrate let's remember the people in Texas and how they felt on -- the black slaves and how they felt in 1865, continue the struggle for equal rights and dignity and take pride in our special heritage, whereas the 17th annual employees Juneteenth emancipation day celebrate will be on Friday, June 16th at wooldridge park, from 11 to 2:00 p.m. Friday of this week 7 be it resolved that we do hereby proclaim June 19th, 2006, for some reason the proclamation says 2002 -- as emancipation day in Travis County and encourage all residents to attend Juneteenth festivities and support the nobel purpose of the emancipation day. I move approval.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> I知 sheryl brown. This -- we are the -- part of the members of the Juneteenth committee. And I would imagine that's a typo, the 2002 or either 2002 might have been a better year. [laughter] but anyway we are tired, we are going to have this this coming Saturday-- I mean this coming Friday. I知 not sure if it's us or if it really is just hotter this year than it was. But we are read. We will have the same d.j. That we had last year. Mr. Deeks production, real good, soothing music that we can all enjoy. Sheriff hamilton identified a local teen who is going to perform some gospel music for her -- for us, her name is arcacia jennings. We are really looking forward to seeing that. Make sure if you all have to pick a time to be there, come closer to the 12 noon hour when the program is there. One of the more difficult parts of being on the committee, I don't have a problem with it, is the part of asking for money. Ms. Gomez can sympathize, when you had cinco de mayo you will probably in the same position of asking our leader, the money slower this year, I also want to compliment Commissioner Sonleitner because 19% of the time -- 99% of the time she's always been the first person on give us a donation. The only reason it wasn't 100%, Commissioner Sonleitner, was because smart mr. Evans, when he was writing out his cinco de mayo checks for Commissioner Gomez, he wrote the Juneteenth check at the same time. Otherwise you would have perfect. But follow your lead I am asking those directors or elected officials who have not -- who have not sent a donation to us to do so. And -- and ms. Sonleitner you have always been such a supportive member elected official for our purpose. Were on 10, wanted to appreciate you being so supportive to the ideas of Juneteenth.

>> send me the invitations. I was going to ask that. -- 07, 08, 09, but you come around. Really appreciate it.

>> we appreciate it. I知 sure the others want to say something.

>> nellie chavez burleson, good morning, if you forgot to purchase your Juneteenth t-shirt last year, we still have some available.

>> how much.

>> $5.

>> you can call me at 854 -- [indiscernible] [multiple voices]

>> picture?

>> yes, sir.

>> all right. Good.

>> thank you.

>> I would like to say something. What I would like to say is -- is -- each year --

>> who are you?

>> chris [indiscernible], Commissioner Davis' office. [laughter]

>> I would like to each year we celebrate this sorted of with a crutch. My reason for saying that is that for -- for the past few years, the state of Texas gave the opportunity for -- for the african-american, anglo american, everyone, to have the day off. Looking at forefathers as some nationalities do, our forefathers did the same thing, they worked hard, they died and they bled for this country, without payment. I wish someone would at some time in the future just sort of look at the possibility of -- of seeing it -- the county could also have that day off to celebrate such a momentous occasion. I thank you.

>> thank you.

>> thank you.

>> ms. Pierce.

>> good morning. I知 sue spears, I知 with Commissioner Davis' office. I say ditto to chris and I hope that everyone will come out on Friday and enjoy lots of cool drinks to -- to be had and good food and entertainment. Thank you.

>> thank you all.

>> we would have the emergency services workers present in case we have heat exhaustion and -- and -- and we don't want anybody faking a heat stroke, but they will be present if -- if we need it.

>> appreciate it.

>> come out there and exercise, are you?

>> no, just tired. I think that it's age.

>> you think people are going to be eating --

>> we are going to be eating so fast. Bring a lot of cash, start from one end of the park to the other, it's going to be plenty of good food.

>> hope somebody got --

>> best Friday of this week -- that's Friday of this week.

>> 11:00 to 2:00.

>> move approval. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 9:58 AM