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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 30, 2006
Item 13

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Item 13. Consider and take appropriate action on request to issue call for recommendations to name a county building and take other appropriate action.

>> administrative operations was recently contacted by jim cooper cooper. He is here this morning. About naming a county building after ray martinez. So commission Commissioner Daugherty, I believe they -- Commissioner Gomez, I believe they visited with him also. In your back up, it sets out the usual time frame, all the things done in the past. So you can set a deadline to submit recommendations if you decide to issue the call today. Could be July 10th, and then you consider them the Tuesday after, July 18. You can vote to name the building in August or September. There's a copy of the code there policy for naming new Travis County facilities.

>> I think today we would just issue the call the and go ahead and issue the call to call for recommendations. We already have one recommendation made. So this would open up the process for the community to know that we have issued the call.

>> 3 b says that we provide a written biographical sketch of the individual. I know we have two books.

>> right.

>> do we have the sketch?

>> I think once we issue the call, that process comes into play. We'll get that biographical sketch from whoever is nominate.

>> okay.

>> right?

>> yes, ma'am.

>> and I have also had a chance to see, and it's unbelievably appropriate if there's any way to make this financial by the first week in August, that would be unbelief were--make this final by the if I can we're August, that would be unbelief by appropriate. Remarkable act of heroism. I move that we issue todaymoved and second--

>> moved and seconded. Any discussion?

>> I would like to ask you a question or two.

>> thanks for bringing the book. I actually just finished reading reading. I only knew enough about that, might even be dangerous. Just the newspaper articles and everything. I’m also interested in what might come our way about houston mccoy because he was the other officer that got on the tower with whitman, right?

>> that. There was another civilian. However, I chose mr. Martinez because he led the way and took the risks. They all took risks, but he stuck his neck around the coroner the--corner--athe corner to lead the way fire the first shot. It's certainly forever seered in my memory. But romero martinez later became a narcotics agent for the bps, became a Texas ranger, required and was elected a justice of the peace, led an exemplary life, and I believe it would be appropriate for the county to recognize him.

>> I agree. I think it was an outstanding act, you know, extreme courage. But I was entertained, I mean, it really was romiro and mccoy, I would like to, we'll also get asked, you know, to do something for houston mccoy as well. I am not recommending that, but it would not surprise me that if this happened here that that may be the next thing that we're asked.

>> I think he lived on Margaret street at the time.

>> he did.

>> and that was at precinct three. Now I think it's in four. So, I remember that day very well. I have had, I had just come back to work after my daughter was born. And I was working, I think it was the houston building. And I could look out the window that I was, from the office that I was working in, and I could see the puffs of smoke as whoever was returning the fire would hit the tower. So that was.

>> everybody in town was returning the fire from the book you know, go get your bee-bee gun and anything that has a--

>> that's right.

>> a lot of folks that were working in delivery were also hurt on the drag, with the young man who lived in south Austin, who was injured and he limps today, still from this incident.

>> it affected a lot of people, students and citizens.

>> one of my journalism professors who became a very publish the reporter with the associated press was also there and was injured it's just an amazing story.

>> thank you so much for delivering the information to us and to know issue the call, and we'll follow the process.

>> thank you very much. Appreciate your time.

>> thank you.

>> all in favor of the motion. Abstaining, show judge Biscoe, the rest voting in favor.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 31, 2006 9:38 AM