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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 9, 2006
Executive Session Items

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Do we want to go into executive session now?

>> I think we're there.

>> then under consultation with attorney, the item that we discussed at length, number 20, the collection of delinquent taxes we will take into executive session for a few legal questions. We'll also take into executive session 22, conduct and take appropriate action on performance evaluations for the two coordinator positions. That will be the personnel matters exception to the open meetings act. 23, down here in executive session items -- ms. Ingraham and ms. English, for discussion afterwards or now? Just wait until we come back? We're posted to get an update from staff on something. I think we got a notice from tceq on one. I don't know quite what it is on the other. We'll chat with you after we get out of executive session. That was 23, receive briefing from county attorney and/or take appropriate action concerning the extension of paid administrative leave for Travis County juvenile probation department, slots 357, 283 and 79. That's the consultation with attorney and personnel matters exception to the open meetings act. 24, consider and take appropriate action regarding efforts to market property at 6701 burnet road. Consultation with attorney and real property exceptions to the open meetings act. 25 is to consider and take appropriate action on request for financial incentives for a large data center in Travis County. That's a new executive session exception, and that's under the economic development negotiations exemption. 26, consider and take appropriate action on the bfi landfill permit amendment application. Consultation with attorney. 27, consider and take appropriate action on the waste management of Texas landfill permit amendment application and related issues. Consultation with attorney. And number 28 is to consider and take appropriate action on salary and contract negotiations with deputy medical examiner. That's the personnel matters exception to the open meetings act. We'll discuss those matters in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

we have returned from executive session where we discussed the following items: we did not discuss item 22 because we ran out of time, but we have post both of those for Thursday afternoon work session, and so we'll do both of those evaluations at that time. 23 involves three slots in the juvenile probation department. I move that we add an extra 30 days to the leave with pay for each, and that will carry them through today, may ninth, 2006.

>> second.

>> discussion?

>> judge, I thought it was an extra six days?

>> what did I say?

>> you said 30.

>> an extra six days for each through may 9th is what I meant to say, 2006. That's the motion. Stop confusing me. [ laughter ] all in favor this time? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 24 involves the farmers market.

>> judge, I would move that we authorize appropriate staff and our hired agent to proceed with negotiations with mr. Peter barland, and that the same list of -- we call them the thou shall notes, the kind of restrictions that we talked about to anyone else that was looking at this property be communicated to mr. Barland and that would need to be part of the deal of him signing off on the restrictions on that property. And -- there was one other piece on that.

>> the underground storage tank?

>> yeah. That in terms of the due diligence that needs to be done related to an underground storage tank that we believe is there because that was an old road and bridge office, that that proceed forward and that be communicated to mr. Barland and we find out what, if any, impact that will have on our decision to negotiate with him.

>> second? Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 25 involving the potential large data center in Travis County. Move that we indicate the county's willingness to grant a 50% abatement on incremental taxes on real and personal.

>> second.

>> that the county judge be authorized to sign a letter to that effect tomorrow.

>> second.

>> discussion? And by the way, that is consistent with our current policy. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 26 involves the bfi landfill permit amendment application. Let's indicate to capcog and others that Travis County opposes the application to expand that has been filed by bfi.

>> second.

>> second.

>> discussion? Yes, sir.

>> judge, let me make sure -- I am to understand that this application that is on file has a 2018 date on it, not a 2015 date.

>> I believe that's correct.

>> and leaves the question of a transfer station still a possibility.

>> yes.

>> but I want to go on the particular record to oppose their particular expansion for that permit application. I think the record ought to indicate that. I think that's the -- iks motion is to --

>> motion is to oppose the application.

>> right, as it exists now.

>> period.

>> period. Okay.

>> well said.

>> thank you.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Those were the ones y'all were here on, right? That was 26, right? 27 involves the waste management of Texas landfill permit amendment application, slightly different here. Move that we authorize staff to prepare an appropriate response to tceq's request for comments from Travis County and that the court have a draft letter to review next Tuesday so we can meet their may 18th deadline and that we should also look into a little strategy that puts us into a position to acquire appropriate experts at the appropriate time in the future.

>> and judge, we do accept that as a friendly to reiterate that the court is still in opposition to wmi's expansion.

>> yes, sir.

>> period.

>> period.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. That it? Thanks.

>> 28.

>> thank y'all very much. Thanks for your patience. Sorry to take so long, but I guess we've gotten used to it.

>> thank y'all.

>> 28 involves salary and contract negotiations with a deputy medical examiner. Move that we authorize judge Biscoe to meet with the said deputy medical examiner along with ms. Devery and ms. Perez as they deem appropriate to communicate basically directions that the Commissioners court discussed in executive session.

>> second.

>> discussion? And the judge will try to get that done within the next few days and have this back on the court's agenda for appropriate action. All in favor? Show Commissioners Davis, Gomez, Daugherty and yours truly voting in favor.

>> put me abstaining.

>> put down Commissioner Sonleitner abstaining.

>> I take that back. Opposing.

>> put Commissioner Sonleitner opposing. First abstaining then opposing.

>> I’ll think about strategically where I want to be. Opposed.

>> and we did get legal advice from the county attorney on the merit involving the -- on the matter of involving delinquent attorney's fees, number 20. This will be back court's agenda may 16th. No action today, right?

>> right.

>> anything else today?

>> move adjourn.

>> 18?

>> 18 we'll have back on next week. I will have a new and different strategy next week, colleagues, on 18.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> there's a second by Commissioner Gomez. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:15 PM