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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 9, 2006
Item 16

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16 is to consider and take appropriate action on amendments to chapter 84, unaccepted substandard roadway specifications of the Travis County code.

>> morning, judge and Commissioners. I’m steve malliner with tnr, this item was discussed a few weeks ago in the work session. Essentially what I’m asking for court to approve are about a dozen changes to chapter 84 that will provide me more flexibility in the design standards for the roadways that we are asked to accept on a county maintain maintained system. And secondly to ask for the court to allow me to enter into, with the court's approval process, the public-private partnerships with the communities that are interested in participating in this program. Most of the changes to the policy are -- I don't feel they are significant, but they do allow me more flexibility in jug judgment rather than using minimum standards. Rather than starting from scratch these roadways have been in existence for roadways and trying to set minimum standards for those could not only increase costs, but ultimately significantly alter the character of a particular neighborhood.

>> [one moment, please, for change in captioners]

>> there's no statutory requirement for a public hearing to amend these rules.

>> is there a written county policy or just our practice?

>> I think it's just a practice.

>> my recommendation is that we have a public hearing next week. I don't think the court has any objection. It made sense to us last week. Some of these changes in terms of being a departure from our historic practice are pretty significant. Not that significant in the grand scheme of things, but fairly dramatic changes from how we've done it in the past. So my recommendation would be just to post a hearing for next Monday. And if folks come down and give reasons for us to reconsider any point, we do so. If not, we simply make it part of the consent motion. During the work session everybody seemed to interpret I much with in agreement. It makes sense to me. Gives us an opportunity to continue the substandard roads program, but under different standards. And I’d feel a whole lot better if we had -- if we post it for a public hearing, and just do that by putting it on the Commissioners court agenda. I mean, I would think that those that had an opportunity to see last week's work session may well be mindful of the changes we have in mind. I would feel a whole lot better if we just followed our typical practice of having a public hearing. No objections of significance, then I would just move it to the consent motion next week.

>> that's fine.

>> any problem with that?

>> and as far as I know, nobody's (indiscernible), but I would be surprised if we don't have some takers in the next few months. So number 16 next week and we'll post it for public hearing on the court's agenda, public hearing and action. And that's may 16th. Thank you, mr. Manila.

>> thank you, judge.

>> for your creativity, innovation, etc.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:15 PM