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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 9, 2006
Item 11

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11. Approve modification no. 4 to contract no. 04k00264jj, barecky construction company, for east metro park, phase i, project ii. (tnr)

>> judge, my question is simply, some of the backup that we have got, a company that had given a price of a million four, I think that was given to us in 2004, joe, is that right?

>> that's right.

>> when we went out to the original contract, yeah.

>> I don't have an issue, other than if you can give me an explanation. Everything that we have before us today, when we go out for bid, it is-- it comes back just incredibly more expensive and how in the world can we have a project that somebody bid on two years ago and we still have somebody willing to -- to do the price that they gave us two years ago? Does that mean two years ago we were getting taken to the cleaners or what? It just jumped off the page before me, I would like some sort of explanation. Maybe I’m reading it wrong.

>> this was an alternate add-on to the bid. In other words, the -- the improvements had been designed. All of the contractors at the time bid on this additional item. Barecky was the [indiscernible], it allowed -- if you were to rebid this item, you would likely see that the other bidders low at the time just on this one would probably come up to higher prices. I think that you are perceptive in that years have passed, you wonder why someone is able to hold to their prices over that period of time. If you look at the bid package, back at that time he was high on these items.

>> right. I mean I think that it's a great deal for us. I just thought it was interesting that given that everything that we have that comes before us, you know, in the last year, is -- has not been anywhere near what we thought it was going to be. I have got something here that we -- that we basically okay from two years ago, we have got a price today that -- that we are willing to accept, but it -- I guess it's a great deal because I don't doubt whether or not if we were to go out again or, you know, this work that it would probably be more expensive than this. I guess we just kind of got lucky on this thing.

>> I think so.

>> good morning. Roger el khoury director for the facility management department. Yes. You are right that if we go to bid today the number might be hire. My negotiation with the barecky company it was a mutual benefit for him to come on board and do the work, change order from before, because he already mobilized, he knows the project, to his benefit to stay there and not to change the price. His only price change on the kitchen meeting facility because of the kitchen equipment standard steel and all that's why you see the $34,000 more. In reality all of that stuff it worked for both of us, for Travis County and for him, to get this project going. So it was I believe it was a good deal. Otherwise I would not bring it to the court.

>> well, no I think it's a good deal. It was kind of odd looking that we have that so --

>> lots of negotiations.

>> not like you would take on a couple of projects and southwest Travis County see if we can do the same thing.

>> the budget is sufficient to cover this?

>> yes.

>> yes.

>> be a little bit more positive when we talk money matters y'all. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 10, 2006 1:15 PM