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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 2, 2006
Item 39

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Number 39 is to consider and take appropriate action on the request for resolution regarding appraisal and revenue caps. Let's tell the county attorney, we need to plan to go into executive session in 10 minutes and get as much money dunn as possible before noon.

>> we're going through the resolution you asked for, judge. And Commissioner Sonleitner. Looking at it gerngs the only thing I would suggest you add is on page 2, five sentences down after county budgets, add, and homeowners, because what we discussed last week is that we felt it was very -- truth in taxation was very important and if we were going to have local options on anything, we would want full disclosure of the impacts. And appraisal caps really would have an impact on homeowners, and revenue caps would have an impact on the proaftion of services. So -- provision of services. That would be my only suggestion.

>> [one moment, please, for change in captioners]

>> then y'all we find a typo as well in that same paragraph. Travis County already offers a -- there was an inappropriate dollar sign in front of the 20%. We knew that we would have to redo it, any other things.

>> what about the -- what about the gonzalo barrientos'

>> bill?

>> bill. My thinking was not that we would put in the resolution, I don't know why anybody would put it in the resolution if we would support his bill.

>> I was trying to balance what mr. Hilly was telling us about whether we could take a position on a bill, that's why we did put in here the specific language which is the essence of senator barrientos' bill, further urges the legislature to increase minimallable allowable homestead exemption from 5,000 to [indiscernible] that is exactly what the bill would do. We could immediately send this over as opposed to there seemed to be some doubt whether we were properly posted to take a specific position on a specific bill. So --

>> what if we were to put in parentheses there the name of the offer, the number of bill.

>> can do, that would work.

>> let's put it out there.

>> we have got those. That sounds --

>> he has been working very hard in communicating around trying to -- and trying to find some relief for particularly the lower priced homes and that's the essence of his -- of his legislation. And that is certainly -- has certainly been an issue in this community.

>> it's a senate bill and it's a senate joint resolution, so we will make sure that those get put in in parentheses as well.

>> yeah. That's okay.

>> that's -- that gets us around that.

>> constable? Anything else?

>> I support it.

>> okay. With those changes any issues? To any of them?

>> I would move approval of the resolution, we would make those particular changes and get it back for everybody to sign and then get sent over to isn't it true barrientos for sure and other appropriate distribution.

>> second?

>> second.

>> any discussion of the motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:17 AM