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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 2, 2006
Item 21

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I just had a question about what is the problem? In the backup, cyd, I couldn't tell --

>> you mean a budget?

>> what is the budget for that architectural --

>> let me play county judge here. 21 to approve order exempting the purchase of professional and engineering services from architecture plus from the competitive procurement process pursuant to section 2662.024 of the county purchasing act.

>> Commissioner Daugherty had a question about the budget for this a and e work. Do we have -- what is our budget for it?

>> yes. We do have a budget for that?

>> what is it?

>> okay. It's about -- for the design -- for the design firms we have about $160,000?

>> so we are signing off on 160,000-dollar deal --

>> no, not can't. We have to go through negotiation.

>> this is to allow us to go to them and negotiate without going through the competitive process. And the reason that what we've asked cyd is you're wanting to move the shares over there by the end of the year. And if we don't move forward quickly, we're not going to have that done.

>> this is a design on -- what they're doing right now is we're doing all the programming and planning and schematic design in-house, facilities management is doing this. Because of so many projects we have, we need to out source the design, finish the design in order to have a full set of construction documents. And that part you're asking the court to be exempt from the process of procurement. The reason behind that is so much of the project depends on moving the sheriff to the (indiscernible) buildings because we need to move the da to the third floor and we have to do renovation and design. And then we have to do design and renovation for the third floor at the cjc, which is for the new district criminal judge. I don't think we're going to meet that schedule for January '07. So that's going to be sometime done in the spring or early summer. And if we go with the exemptions. So there's a lot of a domino effect here, which we can do lots of things in house, but we're swamped in facility management and we need some help from the outside. And the person -- the architecture plus, the firm, we're asking to approve the exemption, they did good work for us and we have excellent professional relationship with them. They did the work about the a.d.a. Correction at the bank of america next to garner bets and I think we recommend for y'all --

>> and they are historically an underutilized business.

>> but we will sach how much time?

>> three to four months.

>> and what about cost?

>> I don't think we're going to pay premium for that because we're going to design the first section. I just had the number for -- that was for the whole process. For schematic design, the design and build construction document, the whole design phase. Since we're doing the first one in-house, the schematic design planning, I don't think we're going to spend that much money doing this.

>> well, I understand the time line that we do have some issues. I just thought it was -- I don't know, maybe y'all have got plenty of examples about how you spend 130, 40, 50, 60,000, whatever the amount is. That's a bigger number than I thought you were going tell me. I thought it was probably something that cyd could do without looking at it. But it does get my attention the fact that we're likely to spend $150,000 even though we've got history with somebody at the hud business and whatever. I mean, that's a lot of money just to kind of go -- we don't care if it gets out on the street. I’m going to defer to your expertise, roger. If you say this is what I need to do -- because timing may be more important than the build. If that's the case, then I’m willing to say okay.

>> yes, Commissioner.

>> second.

>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. With Commissioner Sonleitner temporarily off the dais.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:17 AM