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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 2, 2006
Item 4

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4. Approve proclamation naming may 3, 2006 as "law day" in Travis County.

>> anybody here to receive this.

>> steve bennett, president elect of the Austin bar association.

>> should I read it for you.

>> can I make a statement in connection with the proclamation or would you refer to -- would you prefer to read it first.

>> whereas law day is a celebration of our great heritage of liberty, justice, equality under law, the doctrine of separation of power among the three branches of government, executive, legislative, judicial, whereas an effort to balance any accumulation of power, our neighbor's founders constituted a system of checks and balances and ensures that it serves as a con strant on, constrained by the powers of the other branches. Whereas our system of separation of powers and checks and balances stands as a model for other nations of the world, now therefore be it resolved that the Travis County Commissioners court does hereby proclaim Wednesday, may 3rd, 2006, as law day, whereas the citizens, schools, businesses, media of Travis County to use this occasion to preserve and strengthen the rule of law and I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> good morning. As I mentioned, steve benisch, president elect of the local bar association, on behalf of the local bar I say thank you judge, Commissioners, your honors for the time this morning, also thank you for your service to the people of Travis County. We are indeed trivialed and blessed to have -- privileged and blessed to have such a dedicated Commissioners court. Thank you. Law day is the national day has that been set aside to celebrate the rule of law. It underscores how law and the legal process have truanted to the freedoms that we all as americans share. Law day actually began back in 1958 when president dwight eisenhower first established law day to strengthen our heritage of liberty, justice and equality under law. And in 1961, early may was designated as the time for official celebration of law day by joint resolution of congress. Law day programs are designed to help people understand how law keeps us free and how our legal system strives to achieve justice. This year's theme for law day is liberty under law, separate branches, balanced powers. Balanced powers are important so that all americans understand that the founders intended and accomplished -- accomplished a separation of powers in government. Separation of powers of course is the idea that a government functions best when its powers are not concentrated in a single authority, but are instead divided among different branches, the u.s. Constitution or excuse me the united states was the very first nation to formalize separation of powers mopping the branches in a -- among the branches in a written constitution. The u.s. Supreme court justice stated that the doctrine of the separation of powers was adopted by the convention of 1787 ... So this theme unables us to show how the branches represent separate powers but together form a dynamic system of government that works together for the common good. Once again I want to thank the Commissioners for this proclamation and rehabilitation of law day and thank you again for your selfless service to the people of Travis County and beyond.

>> thank you.

>> thanks, steve.

>> can we get a motion on that? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We have a beautiful proclamation for you that you have to take with you.

>> all right.

>> thank you, judge, thank you very much.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 11:17 AM


3. A. Declare Tuesday, may 2, 2006 as "Travis County employee recognition day"; and that is today. And b. Present certificates of recognition to employees completing 20, 25 and 30 years of service.

>> we come down front or sit where we are.

>> we will have you come down front.

>> all right.

>> for pictures.

>> good morning, judge and Commissioners. I’m errol hardin, manager with human resources.

>> [indiscernible] county judge. [laughter] all right.

>> that's okay.

>> sorry to cut you off there.

>> that's okay.

>> not enthusiastic.

>> it's early in the morning.

>> we are very excited to culminate our recognition of -- of public service week and national county government week with honoring our -- our more tenured employees. This year at Travis County, we have 584 employees that have reached milestones of employment with us between the years of five years and 30 years of service. This morning, we are going to bring before you those employees that have reached 20 years, 25 years, and 30 years of service. What we would like to do is -- is ask first the -- the employees that reached 30 years of service to come forward and stand with you for photo opportunity. Once they are in position we will read their names so they may be recognized by their peers and colleagues.

>> 30 years of service.

>> [indiscernible]

>> [ applause ]

>> [indiscernible]

>> do we have any others present with 30 years of service?

>> okay, go ahead and read their names.

>> 30 years honorees. [ applause ] [ applause ]

>> thomas of its, mayor agarre and robert perkins of criminal courts, richard scott justice of the peace one and joe gieselman transportation natural resources. Those were our 30 year people.

>> thank you. [ applause ] the certificates are on the back table. And pins.

>> we will now have our 25 year tenured employees, with 25 years, if you will all please come forward with our esteemed court. Deborah gilbert, [indiscernible], mary thomas, gloria mayor, sin they're I can't gabarra district clerk, ada, guy herman, probate court, gale alvarez, david balagia, lucy martinez, terry pickerring, helenapolanco, jim's timber lake, all of the sheriff's department, rodriguez community supervision and corrections, reginald middleton transportation natural resources, gary russell records management.

>> [ applause ]

>> fantastic thank you, for our last group, all employees with 20 years of service, if you will please make your way forward. Go ahead and read the names.

>> in this group we have April bacon, jackie casillas, jose palacios of the auditor's office, frank, tina martin, [indiscernible] of tax office, tom shane, bret. Angela Davis in facilities. Tamara armstrong, david escimalla county attorney, district clerk, lane draw troutman civil courts, robert smith district attorney, david crane and gilbert soto much criminal courts, betty city, just of the peace one, christine gonzalez justice of the peace 3, justice of the peace 4, robert eller consequence stabl 4, david bentlet and bruce elfant constable 5. Robert aims, diane brachette, gordon, Friday, scott, jose gonzalez, william, steve jones, thomas cluze, manuel, steve manly, wesley pretty, raul cuerva, stanley roper, lynn smithy, roger wade, tommy woolly, all of the sheriff's department. Steven neman community supervision and connection withs, joy wynds, douglas baldwin emergency services, charles burg, clarence bunton, martin, william, ricardo, earl goldstein, willie hill, leslie jones, johnny juarez, vicente, marvin west all of transportation and natural resources. Irene ozuna, health and human services, and charles gibb bins of star flight. Those are our 20 year persons. [ applause ] if you would like to move forward to get a picture.

>> everybody wants an opportunity with the court come forward.

>> [laughter]