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Travis County Commissioners Court

May 2, 2006
Item 2

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2. Receive input from residents of Travis County regarding the use of community development block grant funds from the united states department of housing and urban affairs, office of community planning and development, that are required to be used in unincorporated areas. (last public hearing)

>> we've had numerous public hearings to date and have had an overview in this court last week, so we do not need one today. However, we would give those who have come to give testimony today an opportunity to address the Commissioners court. So if you are here on number 2, please come forward.

>> move to open the public hearing.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. If you would have a seat, give us your full name, we would be happy to get your comments. This is the public hearing on the community development block grant funds, good morning.

>> good morning. My name is daniel estes. We reside in precinct 1. And I would like to talk to you all about having our road fixed. Our property is on trappers trail. The road lacks about 150, 200 yards being fixed. It has never been completed. There's a low water creek across that section that is not completed. And I have talked to Commissioners court, mr. Davis' assistant, several times and it's not been able to -- they haven't been able to get to it. Presently we are having a hard time with -- with lake access. I have children that -- excuse me. I have to -- I need a moment. E.m.s. Cannot travel that road, sir. The e.m.s. Truck cannot get down it. The low water creek prevents it. I personally maintain the road as best I can. But it washes out. We lost a child two years ago. E.m.s. Came out, they did not travel the road in time. And presently I have another child who -- who goes back and forth to children's hospital. And he has one lung. And I need access to that road. For e.m.s. Purposes, for the fire department, and I would like for to consider fixing it.

>> you said about 200 feet of road that you need access to.

>> it's about the length of a football field, sir. That much needs to be repaired. Needs to be finished. The rest of it is black top, but the road -- the black top stops and then our property is at the end of the road, sir. We live at 20300 trappers trail.

>> give me that address again.

>> 20300 trappers trail.

>> we have t.n.r. Staff here, so t.n.r. Staff let's tune into what -- what the -- the person that's bringing it before us today, let's see if we can look into this situation and get back with him. Please, exchange your telephone number with t.n.r. Staff that's available. Joe gieselman and that bunch that's here today. Because I would like to look into that.

>> thank you, sir.

>> all right.

>> but to make it relevant to this item your recommendation is that we use some of these funds to repair that road.

>> yes, sir, to complete the road.

>> to complete the road. Thank you very much.

>> thank you.

>> anybody else to give testimony during this public hearing? If so, please come forward.

>> move to close the public hearing.

>> second.

>> all in favor?

>> that passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, May 3, 2006 12:27 PM