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Travis County Commissioners Court

April 4, 2006
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is first. We don't have the forms out this morning. The county judge was looking for the document that had been misplaced. But the citizens communication item is to allow residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda. We do seem ms. Dick here under citizens communication? If you are here under citizens communication, please come forward. We have at least two more chairs if you need elbow room. And if you would give us your full name, we would be happy to get your comments. Citizens communication allows for open communication with the court for up to three minutes.

>> good morning.

>> good morning.

>> good morning. My name is ms. Phillipa dick. I am here seeking help with the release of my innocent son. Roosevelt [indiscernible], jr. I have here where it says that he was incarcerated by -- by the state department for -- for 15 years under -- under different cause number. And I have records here showing that on the same dates, my son was incarcerated in Travis County jail. Under a different cause number. So -- so my -- my thing is, how in the world could he have -- could have committed this offense that's -- that he's accused of, when he was locked up in his verifications that he was incarcerated in Travis County jail the whole time. And I know that he was not out because I’m his mother. And I was there to -- to pick him up upon his release date and they never did release him. And the -- what's upsetting me so is that Travis County representatives are going around filing misleading statements to cover up the fentress county that it was Travis County del valle guards that transferred my sons into wackenhut. A judge did not order my son to wackenhut to serve time 240 days over judge bob perkins sentence of only six months in county jail. He was just illegally transferred. By Travis County guards. Everyone seemed like they are trying to -- to cover all of this, you know, up to keep him incarcerated. My son has been incarcerated 14 years, on a six-month charge by judge bob perkins and he's still there. This is ridiculous. I have been coming and asking for help. I have tried to get investigations going. But investigations dry up because no one wants to expos the Travis County guards, you know, because they are the ones who really legally transferred him. Then there was a file created for -- for the number that was in the computer without a file. He did not commit anything to get 15 years over the same dates. I have that statement from the -- from the huntsville, Texas, mr. Arthur adams sent it to me. Now, on those same dates I’ve had a lawyer to talk to me and told me to bring it to him, if I can find any -- anyplace where roosevelt was incarcerated. On those same dates, on these same dates, with different cause numbers and anything to bring it to him. That means that my son -- he can't be two places in one -- you know at one time. He had to be incarcerated here or he had to be in state huntsville prison. So he was incarcerated here because here's the proof of it. He was not in huntsville, Texas, serving time. He was here. I’m really searching and reaching out for help. His life is in danger. They beat him all the time down there. He's -- they've transferred him from up here close to me, you know I’m a disabled person. He's on the alred unit. I have been talking with newspaper people from american state man and they have told me that unit is a very, very, you know, high risk and rough unit. I think that he's getting ready to do a story on it himself.

>> thank you, ms. Dick.

>> I would appreciate if I could get any assistance, it's very welcomed. Thank you.

>> you still have my last memo, right?

>> yes, sir.

>> okay. If you get another lawyer, there are two lawyers that I mentioned in that memo. Have that lawyer contact those two. Those two represent your son. Just -- if you get a lawyer, just have that lawyer contact those two.

>> okay. I have to get that -- I have that memo somewhere. But I will get a fresh one because mr. Evans is trying to help me, too.

>> I will send it.

>> thank you.

>> [indiscernible]

>> mr. Aquasi.

>> anybody else for citizens communication?

>> thank you.

>> the consent items are next.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, April 5, 2006 10:34 AM