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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 28, 2006
Executive Session Items

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John hille mentioned there may be something -- some legal discussion on that brodie item, what number was that. That's going to be 32. 32 will be taken up into executive session under consultation with attorney, that's the preliminary plan for the dakota springs project at -- at brodie lane near freight barker road and the question if I recall will be -- have more to do with where do we go from -- from here legally. And next we will discuss item 42, which is to receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action and entertainment by j and j incorporated versus entertainment by j & j inc. V. Rufino cornejo and luke mercer, constable precinct 43 we pulled. 44. Receive briefing and consider and take appropriate action on settlement offer in sarah carpenter-pineda v. Margo frasier, et al, (carpenter-pineda; frasier; consultation with attorney. 45. Consider and take appropriate action on claim from lauren johnson for wrongful incarceration of keith ryder johnson, cause number 2021338. Consultation with attorney. 46. Consider and take appropriate action on the following medical examiner's office issues, a. Executive manager oversight role and county organization; and b. Hiring contract pathologists to temporarily meet demand for autopsies. That will be all. We discussed these matters in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

>> I failed to mention number 27, we will discuss this item in executive session, number 27 under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act.

we have returned from executive session where we discussed the following items. Number 27, involving the seven oaks subdivision. We did get a legal briefing and got legal questions answered. In my view no action required today, but we'll have that back on the agenda next week for discussion and action. As we promised residents today. And we also got legal advice on the matter involving brodie lane and freight frait barker number 32. We had legal questions there, got them answered. No action required today. We'll have it back on in the future. And going to the matters that were posted on the agenda, number one involving j and j incorporated versus rufino crornejo and lukemer certify. I move that we we jekt the offer from the other side for $85,000 and make an offer to settle for the sum of 60,000 with appropriate releases.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 74 involving sarah carpenter pineda, I proof that we reject the other side's counter to our counter and that we do another counter to settle this matter for $75,000 plus fees for the attorney ad litem.

>> second.

>> normally those are set by the court, with an indication to the other side that this maxes us out and would they go ahead and prepare for litigation in this matter is not accepted for this amount?

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? Show Commissioners Gomez, Sonleitner, Davis and yours truly voting in favor. Voting against, Commissioner Daugherty. 45 involves the alleged wrongful incarceration of keith rider johnson. I move that we reject the offer to settle for $2,500 and offer to settle this matter for $1,700 with a specific request that johnsons sign any appropriate release, and especially keith ryder johnson, legally we need his signature on whatever papers there are. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 46 involves the medical examiner's office. Let me try separate motions. The first motion would be that we authorize the contractorring -- enter into a contract with another pathologist to provide appropriate release at the forensic center as necessary, and that we attempt to contract with the pathologist that has been recommended to us by our chief medical examiner, and that if he has another one or a better one that we pursue a contract with that pathologist, but that we try to get this contract in place as soon as possible along the same ternlz and conditions that -- terms and conditions that staff specifically ms. Perez and ms. Dever have been discussing with the pathologist. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. My second motion on this would be that the county judge be authorized to meet with dr. Bayardo on behalf of the Commissioners court to discuss the policies, procedures, sort of terms and conditions of employment that we discussed under the personnel exception in executive session, including salary and out of county autopsies and other related matters and report back to the court next Tuesday.

>> second.

>> any discussion? Would that get it for us, we think? I was trying to be as general as possible as complete. And I do understand that dr. Bayardo will be leaving day after tomorrow, so if I could meet with him tomorrow or Thursday. I’ll make myself available. A meeting is probably much better than a phone call. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And the other part y'all were discussing?

>> judge, I would move that the executive manager, alicia perez, be authorized for up to 90 more days in terms of having an ongoing oversight role, which hopefully will get us through all of the hiring issues, but I would say up to 90 more days. Hopefully it will be less, but it seems like that may be appropriate for us to have a very smooth transition.

>> and thank ms. Perez for the help she's provided at this office. It's been a challenge and she has done more than rise to the occasion. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Anything else today?

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:48 AM