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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 28, 2006
Item 39

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Number 39. Came and take appropriate action for request for payment of annual dues to the county judges and Commissioners association of Texas in the amount of $2,100 and -- and 39 b is to consider and take appropriate action on other associations to which the county has membership. The big question last time seemed to be is this the same as the Texas association of counties and do we really need to belong?

>> I wasn't the one that was going to try and find out that answer, I知 sorry.

>> then let's take another week. I was not the one. I have not paid the invoice yet. I think we need to clarify that.

>> I asked at cuc, obviously we had been a member of it, but I wasn't abare of it. Aware of it. I don't know where their dues doubled ownership population, but would have to check into that for sure. But this is the one that gives us the hours, the continuing education hours, this is the mechanism that -- that is used by --

>> if you don't belong to this, what happens? You still go to the -- [multiple voices]

>> right. If you register early.

>> the only thing is I don't know if we register, if we are given some kind of special rate for being a member and then going to the -- for the --

>> judge, if you want me to make that call, I知 happy to do it, I知 sorry I wasn't thinking I was designated to find the answer to this. I知 happy to do that. The other thing is the county progress magazine is also a publication of south Texas judges and Commissioners, excuse me, county judges and Commissioners that is also where we not only find out about our educational opportunities but that's part of the subscription as well?

>> is it this organization have any relation with cuc and also tack. That's what I知 trying to figure out here now.

>> it's a subof tack.

>> it is a subof tack. They are the keepers of our -- of our continuing education hours. We get our continuing education hours through this organization. Susan do you know anything about this? Multiple multi-

>> these are the keepers.

>> the thing with tac is that it represents every office in county government and in every county in the state of Texas. There is no other organization that represents all people's interests in all of the services that the county renders. They also do a tremendous amount of -- of training for all counties and all county officials. So -- so the other organizations like cuc says urban counties, but it's really urban county Commissioners, not for anyone else, judges and Commissioners are for judges and Commissioners, audit association just for auditors. But tac really is the umbrella organization.

>> they do belong to tac. This is subgroup of tac?

>> I don't have a feeling on that, judge. I just think, you know, I think it's good to review these things, I think tac is a critical membership for the county if you have to trade one.

>> and cuc.

>> nobody is questioning cuc or tac.

>> I guess one thing is to call them. I doubt that they are a creature of tac, call them and ask them if you are not a member, what happens to your continuing ed?

>> judge, I知 happy to be designated to get the answers -- [multiple voices] I have just been, you know, lobbying for two years for counties to work together. Tac is the organization.

>> we will -- may as well get it in writing.

>> might as well, then you will know.

>> we will get it for next week, judge.

>> we will have it back on then.

>> I am designated.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:48 AM