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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 28, 2006
Item 36

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36 consider and take appropriate action on submission of transportation enhancement program grant request for state highway 130/brushy creek regional trail. Walking in the door as we speak, but the three of us a campo know there is one more call for projects under the transportation enhancement program. The -- the project that we think that will compete very nicely, this will be done at a state level, as opposed to the stp 4 c moneys under the control of campo. But it is a multi-jurisdictional project that leroy has been working on that basically utilizes the s.h. 130 corridor to get a trail of connectivity, between northeast metro park which is located in the Pflugerville area, and to get it to go north up into Williamson county and he's been working with -- with Pflugerville, working with hutto, Round Rock and Williamson county. We think this thing will compete very nicely, Travis County would only be responsible if this project is selected by the state for the 20% match but it would only be for the piece that is located within Travis County. We have certainly -- we certainly would not be responsible for the entirety of this project in jurisdictions that are not ours. And I have been building up with the court's permission a -- a match to just this kind of -- kind of a trail through our build greater Austin dollars, we have already got about 500,000 in there for just this kind of a local match if indeed we are successful. So it's quite possible with what we have got already, plus Margaret you will probably have a better sense of that than me, one more year of b gap or not? I think one more year. Same kind of thing. To apply this toward the match. Hopefully in terms of Travis County's dollars, if indeed we are successful, it would be very little. We need to have this endorsed by our jurisdiction, the moving through the same jurisdictions that I mentioned earlier as well. So it can then go to campo and campo would then send up all of these projects, but there's no guarantees. But we think that it will compete very nicely. S.h. 130 was always promised to be multi-modal. Well, so far it's modal, we don't have multi in there because rail is not a component. That trail, that -- that whole corridor could be an amazing connectivity, not only between northeast metro and what's going north up into the brushy creek, Round Rock area, dell diamond, certainly there are other pieces, I would hope there would be other projects as well that would continue down the line. You have got to start someplace, this is a very good place for us to start in part because the match is already on its way. But we have got -- got the -- the crossing the county line will make this thing I think a very sellable kind of a project.

>> second.

>> I will move approval of moving this project forward through the tep process which goes on to cam pa and then on to the state of Texas.

>> Commissioner, I would like to commend you on that. You have to start somewhere of course in that -- northeast metro park where is a destination that I hope starts, goes north, but also maybe south, s.h. 130 ends up going through precinct 1 and precinct 4, this -- I hope it's selected because it would give more credence as far as a reason to even look at further use of the hike and bike trail as we go through the other precincts. I think it's something that we can work on to look at in future as far as having something. Very positive for -- for the community.

>> yes.

>> [indiscernible] not here, but backup memo indicates that he is in support of t.n.r. Any more discussion of the motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 29, 2006 10:48 AM