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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 21, 2006
Item 35

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Number 35 is one that I wanted the court to look at and really the invoice or the top part came in and the problem with that is that the invoice was significantly higher than the budget in the amount that we paid last year. The other thing is I asked cheryl to pull up a list of the organizations to which we belong as well as the '05 budget and the '06 budget, and what is written in handwriting is really the amount that we paid this year. And I see the Texas association of county and it looks like their charge is $2,440, I still have not quite figured out what the county judge and Commissioners association of Texas is.

>> that is made up of people who have served as certain of the district organizations. Then the immediate past presidents go to this Commissioner and county judge association of Texas.

>> do we want to -- do we want to pay $2,100 to belong?

>> I don't think we need to belong to that one. I think tac takes care of our continuing education as well as cuc. And I don't know that we've ever belonged to this one, to the county judge and Commissioners association of Texas.

>> do we have that confirmed that our continuing education is through tac? I thought our continuing education was through county judges and Commissioners association?

>> I think it's tac.

>> I attended one through tac.

>> that's not had what my question is. We attend things through tac. We attend things through cuc. We attend things through south Texas jujses and Commissioners association, but I think the record keepers on our work is the county judges and Commissioners association, which is --

>> do you want to take another week to confirm?

>> I don't think we belong to that one.

>> we paid $1,100 last year. We paid 1100 last year, but they almost doubled, went to 21 unhundred. But we paid the cuc 22137. And we paid to tac $2,440. So there's a lot of them. My thing would be if we have to have them, we've got to have them. Still I don't like the which had idea that they downld the fee. If that's based on population statewide, that would be a real big increase.

>> except that the idea that it's only 2000 a year compared to we're paying almost 22,000, which is based on a formula over at cuc on our population. I just -- if we can take a week, judge.

>> this is three of them.

>> do we have to belong to tac?

>> that's how we get our education.

>> yes would be fine.

>> yes.

>> then a yes to that. That's my thing. There are three of them. There's got a lot a whole lot of duplication there. If we have to belong to them, we have to belong to them. I didn't think I was authorized, though, to pay $2,100 when the budget did have a question: we'll have it on next week.

>> I’m reasonably sure that's where our education records are all at.

>> I don't have a strong feeling one way or the other except if it had been at home I wouldn't pay it three times and I didn't feel authorized to pay this amount. Let's have it back on next week and try to sort out and figure out what's --

>> I don't want to drop cuc.

>> I think we have to have as many people to get their continuing education credit in and certainly some folk get it through tac, others get it through south Texas judges.

>> we're active in cuc. It will be back on. Any comments, christian? You're having too much fun on this item. All right.

>> it's a legitimate question when we dropped naco that nobody was taking advantage of the continuing education that was being offered, so it didn't seem to be one that served anybody's purpose this year. But --

>> ooem I’m reasonably certain our education is over at the county judges and Commissioners association.

>> two questions. If we need them and other -- if we want membership in them.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 22, 2006 7:57 AM