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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 21, 2006
Item 2

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Number 2 is to approve a proclamation declaring March 2006 as "american red cross month."

>> good morning, judge, Commissioners. I’m pete baldwin emergency services coordinator. With us today, we have wayne [indiscernible] with the central Texas american red cross. Wayne wanted to be out of the spotlight. He's been up since about 5:30 this morning bringing our emergency response vehicle over, which is parked over in the plaza distributing coffee and doughnuts to anyone who would like them this morning. So --

>> free of charge.

>> free of charge, sir.

>> so we have -- I did pass along your comment about the wells committee on the doughnuts. [laughter] but -- so we have --

>> but they do have water and granola bars for them. So also at the table we have leroy nellis who is of course you know leroy, but he sits on the board of the central Texas american red cross board. So with that in mind, March has been proclaimed as american red cross month and we have a proclamation that we would like for the court to approve and present to american red cross.

>> maybe we ought to read it and share it with our millions of fans out there.

>> I would appreciate it, sir.

>> it reads: whereas every year the president of the united states proper claims the month of March to be red cross month, giving the american red cross an opportunity to promote its services and celebrate its successes in serving communities across the united states. Whereas this year we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the american red cross of central Texas, which is -- has led the effort to prevent, prepare for and respond to disasters. Whereas the red cross and its nearly 30,000 volunteers and donors in central Texas provide valuable tools and education to individuals, families, workplaces and schools, giving Texas citizens the opportunity to work in a stronger and more resilient community and whereas it has been a valuable resource and partner in working with first responder groups during times of emergencies, now therefore be it resolved by the Travis County Commissioners court that we proclaim March 2006 as american red cross month in Travis County, I move approval.

>> second.

>> good morning.

>> good morning. Any comments?

>> I just want to thank the court, yourself, judge, all of the Commissioners and really all of the people of Travis County for their help in making the red cross stronger and -- and more able to respond. It's been a -- a tremendous 12 months for our organization, very challenging and -- and the only reason we have been able to address those challenges because of the people in the community that support us with their time and dallas. So thank -- time and dollars. So thank you very much.

>> we certainly have had our share of emergencies in this country during the last two or three years, I guess, but the american red cross has been there in the forefront every time.

>> mr. Nellis.

>> we are very fortunate to have wayne as our executive director. Wayne actually worked on 911 at ground -- 9/11 at ground zero, he's one of the top five red cross managers in the united states. So we are very, very thankful and appreciative to have him as our executive director, thank you.

>> thank you.

>> all in favor. That that passes by unanimous vote. Wayne, we have this beautiful proclamation for you. We wish that we could give you a good check for future emergency work.

>> [indiscernible],.

>> [laughter]

>> thank you.

>> thank you very much.

>> thank you, keep up the good work.

>> appreciate it.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 22, 2006 7:57 AM