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Travis County Commissioners Court

March 14, 2006
Item 20

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Number 20 is to consider and take appropriate action on the following planning requirements for community development block grant funding from hud. A, potential projects and project direction. B, recommendations from the Travis County coordinating committee. And c, other related issues.

>> good afternoon, judge, Commissioners. Sherri fleming, executive manager for Travis County health and human services and veteran service. This is officially our first opportunity to come back before the court to discuss the cdbg, that's the community development block grant allocation planning process. And in item a, this is put on for an opportunity for the court to make any comments that they might have relative to any potential projects or policy direction related to our work to expand this or to plan and expending this allocation. Certainly this is not the only opportunity that the court would have to give direction to staff, but it is sort of an opportunity for some overafternooning Marching orders so to speak. We have done a little bit of homework that we hope will inform them. Attached to your backup is a review of the various needs assessment that have been prepared by the community action network, and there is a comparison of the cdbg requirements and guidelines versus those needs that have previously been identified in the community through the community action network. This is in no way a staff recommendation, it is purely an opportunity to assist you in thinking around projects. In addition in your backup, there was a memorandum from harvey Davis, manager of the housing finance corporation, that was prepared at Commissioner Davis' request back in October of 2005 that also talks about the potential projects that will qualify for cdbg allocations. So we would hope that these two documents would assist you in your thinking around what projects or policy direction you might want to provide to staff. If I could go on to item b.

>> what about water and septic tank, either installation of septic tanks or repair of septic tanks and the water lines, kind of like what we've seen in kennedy ridge and clover.

>> we've been told those projects could potentially imawl fi. We have to be prepared to give more detail to head, but it's our understanding at this moment that those projects would qualify.

>> are they on the list?

>> they may be listed as, excuse me just a minute. The infrastructure projects possibly. They're listed as public works support projects. Okay. Under item b, the court previously appointed an interdepartmental committee to assist us in the planning for the cdbg allocation, and that committee met in February to begin making some recommendations toward -- for the planning process, and at the committee's February 8th meeting the committee agreed to recommend to the court that as an overafternooning policy direction so that we could move forward in educating the community about these new funds that the court adopt the fiscal year 2007 budget rules as overafternooning policy direction for considering projects. Now, the court would still have an opportunity to consider projects that would be outside the budget rules, so to speak, but in terms of a general direction to staff whereby folks might be inquiring as to what types of projects we're looking for, we could point them to the 2007 budget rules, but it would be the court's option at the time that we come forward later and present you with potential projects to decide if you would want to accept projects that would be outside of that policy direction.

>> the other thing is like for instance, the water and the septic tank, it's possible to use some of the money as matching because it's still possible to go out and get a grant from somebody.

>> that's correct.

>> so where do we have it down as matching, be able to use it as matching?

>> we would list it as a part of our man as matching other funds and identify the source of those funds, yes.

>> okay. I think it's another way of addressing substandard housing.

>> this is very early in our process. And if I could move on to item c, we would be asking the court for a recurring agenda item on this subject because as we move through this process, there will be issues that come up relatively quickly in terms of decisions and policy direction that we will need from the court. Certainly my office can inform the judge each week if we have items that are necessary to go forward, but it's my prediction that as we get further into the remainder of the spring and the summer that we're going to have issues that are coming forward in addition to the public notice requirements that will be taking place during the month of April. For example, we anticipate having two public hearings during your Tuesday court sessions related to public input on this process. So that would be one of the other issues. Also, we would ask approval of the budget as its laid out in the backup. I think in the agenda memo you have the breakout of the allocation per hud, which is that 20% of the funding is allocated towards administration of the program. 15% can be allocated toward public service activities. And then the remainder or 65 percent would go to other activities, but all related to services that will 15 fit low to moderate income -- benefit low to moderate income families. So that would be the global budget and then I believe atochd to -- attached to your backup is a more specific preaward budget.

>> do you need action on that today?

>> yes. Pbo would like the court to approve the budget.

>> or do you have another week? One of us is low on energy at this point.

>> we can always bring the budget back to you and do a budget amendment and transfers. The department identifies internal resources and it will be treated as a transfer. So the county will be transferring the money and setting up the internal department budget for it.

>> I was looking for a better opportunity to apply my brilliant mind and energy to the whole ball of wax. Not only the budget, but so many other things here. I’m sure that y'all have done an excellent job that probably cannot be improved; however, I’d love to try to between now and next Tuesday. Let me simplify my question. Do we have time to allow the court to think about this matter a bit more next Tuesday whatever ideas we have to share with you?

>> yes, sir. There is plenty of work for staff to be engaged in that is quite honorable until such time that the court directs us.

>> there's no deadline that we're trying to meet?

>> thank you.

>> thank you for trying to be efficient there, mr. Allen.

>> be sure and include my staff person, chris, in on that with the meetings and stuff like that. He wasn't notified of the last meeting and kind of got kind of left out.

>> my apologies Commissioner. We'll make sure that that happens.

>> please.

>> one last item attached to your backup was the preliminary time line that we had submitted on our behalf to mr. Maldanado with the u.s. Department of housing and urban development. You know that time line is very general, but we anticipate as we continue to meet with you over the next coming weeks and months that we would be more specific with you about actual events. You can anticipate during the month of April that we plan in conjunction with your schedules to attempt to hold meetings in your precincts so that we have an opportunity to hear from all of your constituents about potential projects and requests.

>> okay. That's good. Everything looks good to me. Should we carry the same wording forward one week? Think about that and if you need to change any of it at the agenda setting meeting tomorrow morning that I know you plan to agenda, then we can discuss it.

>> we'll do so. Wouldn't miss it for the world, judge.

>> anything further on this item today? It's a good project, I think.

>> yes, it is.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, March 15, 2006 10:38 AM