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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 28, 2006
Item 30

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The other 30 the question that I had was is this legal?

>> judge this is one of those modifications that I would be uncomfortable approving without coming back to the Commissioners court. I believe joe lieberman and roger are -- joe gieselman and roger are here to talk about the funding issue. This contract was for professional services which can be exempted. We actually did send this proposal to two firms initially and got -- got proposals back, so we had somewhat of an informal procurement process. The contract at the time was for $20,000. Now we want to more than double that. To a total of $60,000. It legal, we have that authority. It makes sense, this farm is already out there working. They are the most qualified. That is what our professional services law requires that we hire the most comp department and experience -- competent and experienced person. I will let joe and roger talk to you about the money. I think there's an issue --

>> legal opinion from legal is that it is legal.

>> I can confirm because we talked extensively about this item over the last two days. With her staff.

>> what's the source of funding issue.

>> you have four choices. One is to fund it out of an existing general fund line item, either out of facilities and t.n.r. And not reimburse that line item, which I don't think roger or I would propose. The other is to take it out of those general fund line items and have a reimbursement resolution so when the certificates of obligation come in, there's line items reimbursed for co's. The other item option is to take it out of the facilities budget. T.n.r.'s budget and have the -- have the expense reclassified again after the co's come in. Reimburse the general fund out of the co's. The last option is to wait until mid April when the certificates of obligation are available. And then go ahead and execute it at that time.

>> was the intention to take the co proceeds and fund this?

>> that's correct. As you recall, I believe the legal opinion that we got is that we could not use the road and bridge fund for buildings. And so we decided to use the -- the certificates of obligation that were going to be used for the hot mix overlay, and use them for the buildings and then use the road and bridge fund for the hot mix. So substitution.

>> okay. We have to wait until the co funding is available.

>> that is one option?

>> but would that be timely or would that be too late?

>> let me expand on that. Roger el khoury director of the facilities management department. If we take option number 4, which is to wait until the co issue, the project will be delayed only about like a month and a half from now, which is already now in delay for about a month. So total two and a half months delay. We had an original project, which is we have no problem with that, let me tell you this. The -- the problem is we ask early on we need $2.12 million to expand enough [indiscernible] we were planning to have the construction start at the end of August 2006, early [indiscernible] 2006. This delay that put the construction from fy 2007, that's the only issue -- [multiple voices]

>> move that we take the money from t.n.r. And replenish it after receiving the co funds.

>> second.

>> I don't -- I forget the number of option, but we will make the t.n.r. Budget whole after we receive on --

>> by way of reclassification.

>> [multiple voices]

>> whatever we need to do to get it done.

>> I will not process this contract modification until I have a requisition from y'all through the auditor's office for this.

>> [indiscernible]

>> the question would be is it going to be purchased from the line item that -- that is appropriate for the building? Then going to be reimbursed? Because we can't use any line item then reclass it from there. We need an appropriate line item from an appropriate division.

>> can you all get together and identify an appropriate line item? The court will execute an appropriate reimbursement resolution as part of the consent motion next week?

>> that will be fine, judge.

>> the line item that I was going to use I’ve been told is not appropriate.

>> you don't have to tell us right now. We will cover it next week. Put your heads together. Clearly jose there is a line item in t.n.r.'s budget that would be appropriate, right?

>> [multiple voices]

>> we would have to identify it. Let you know. We need to put that in the reimbursement resolution has we address next week.

>> [indiscernible] why aren't we just using a line item, then it just gets --

>> the reimbursement resolution would be simpler. But I was under the understanding that you did not want to do those.

>> I don't want to do it unless we have to.

>> all right.

>> I have a legal opinion that we don't have to.

>> there ought to be a way to get this to work without a reimbursement resolution.

>> we will approve whatever we need to to do to get this done next week.

>> even if that's coming out of one of rodgers [multiple voices] you are sitting on facilities items.

>> that's what I was going to say [multiple voices]

>> be easier to do it out of facilities versus out ofture.

>> facility or lease.

>> yeah. [multiple voices]

>> take it out of facilities, reup you.

>> I thought t.n.r. Because it's a t.n.r. Project. If facilities is better, fine with me.

>> jose [multiple voices]

>> that's the motion. Facilities instead of t.n.r.

>> exactly.

>> all in favor of that good motion? That passes by unanimous vote. Was there a second?

>> yeah. I seconded it, judge.

>> thank you.

>> our fat Tuesday motion, joe.

>> now, my question on -- huh?

>> can we do a 4 real quick? That's my other one.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, March 1, 2006 7:37 AM