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Travis County Commissioners Court

February 7, 2006
Executive Session Items

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We indicated this morning we would take part c of number 14 into the executive session for consultation with counsel. I think barbara wilson has a few legal questions to address for us. And 14 is to consider and take appropriate action on the following items regarding the Travis County medical examiner's office. This morning we approved a and b.

>> 14 may be under the consultation with attorney under the open meetings act. We have posted for executive session a list of items. Beginning with 32. Receive briefing from the county attorney in travis, et al v. Curtis m. & patricia a. Simon (kristy bennet resale deed) and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. 33. Consider and take appropriate action on offers from tia van beg for tax resale deeds in the following tax foreclosure sale properties: a. Travis County, et al v. Stanley c. & betty jo stemen; and b. Travis County, et al v. Merry f. Jennings. That's under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. 34. Receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County, et al v. Clyde doyal, trustee (advanced investments resale deed) and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. 35. Receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County, et al v. Alonzo white (victor manuel grimaldo resale deed) and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. 36. Receive briefing from the county attorney in Travis County, et al v. Conrad a. & irene behrens (reiji z. Cass resale deed) and take appropriate action. Consultation with attorney. 37. Consider and take appropriate action regarding method of disposal of property located at 9207 johnny morris road, consultation with attorney and the real estate exceptions to the open meetings act. 38. Receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action on settlement offer in sarah carpenter-pineda v. Margo frasier, et. Al. (civil rights case. ] consultation with attorney exception. 39. Receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action in entertainment by j&j inc. V. Rufino cornejo and luke mercer, constable precinct 1, et. Al. Consultation with attorney. 40. Receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action in entertainment by j&j inc. V. Celia perez, veronica perez govea and luke mercer, constable precinct 1, et. Al. Consultation with attorney exception. 41. Consider and take appropriate action regarding the purchase of an office building located at 5555 airport blvd., Austin, Texas. That's the real property exception to the open meetings act.

>> [indiscernible]

>> let's announce that also under the consultation with attorney. That's 41. 42. Receive briefing and take appropriate action on issues raised in basic development permit application of bill swinney and son dau trust. Consultation with attorney. 43. Consider the proposed sale of approximately 0.274 acres of unused, excess right-of-way from old bastrop highway located in precinct 4, and the appointment of Commissioner Gomez as Commissioner of sale, and take other appropriate action. That's under the let's say consultation with attorney as well as the real estate exceptions to the open meetings act. 44. Receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action regarding tnr employee, slot no. 528 pursuant to tex. Gov't code ann. 551.071 (1)(a) & (b) and 551.074. Those are the consultation with attorney and personnel matters exceptions to the open meetings act. 45. Discuss applicants for chief administrative officer for the Travis County medical examiners office and take appropriate action. That's the personnel matters exception. To the open meetings act. A 1. Consider briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action concerning the extension of administrative leave for Travis County juvenile probation department employee, slot number 413. That's the personnel matters and consultation with attorney exceptions. A2. Receive briefing from county attorney and take appropriate action concerning the extension of administrative leave for Travis County facilities management department employee slot number -- should be 126 instead of number 7 the county attorney says, slot number 126 instead of number 7, that's the consultation with attorney and personnel matters exception to the open meetings act. We will discuss these items in executive session but will return to open court before taking any action.

we have returned from executive session where we discussed the following items. 14-c involving the medical examiner's office. We did get a legal briefing there and we gave additional directions to staff on that. Any action necessary? Okay. We then to item number 32, and I move that we approve the proposed tax resale deed to christie bennett, who has delivered to Travis County the sum of $6,073.11 in cash.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. On item number 33, I move that we approve the proposed tax resale deed to tia van berg, and this is two. And in a, we have received the amount of $5,506.12, and that's billing number fine 549.

>> is that a or b? I have that as b, judge. There's 33 a and b. I just have that as b. You said it was a.

>> let me check the other sheet here. Well, it's b on this little sheet.

>> we don't have names on the cheat sheet unfortunately. All right. Got it figured out. This in fact is highland lakes estates, which is 53112-a, which has paid $2,850.44.

>> second.

>> and this is building number 53128, the highland lake estates lot 31112. Just for the record. And on this sheet right here, this would be the merry jennings. Travis County et al versus merry jennings, which is b. If we're wrong about that, we can go back and correct it? Okay. So that's b.

>> I second that too. And that is the 550612.

>> yeah.

>> on b.

>> you got that, judge?

>> right here that's country club estates.

>> that is it. That is country club. That's country club and it's 33-b.

>> our lawyer says this doesn't matter anyway. [ laughter ] it's two pieces of property we received two sums, one for $5,506.12. The other one for $2,850.44.

>> I second that again.

>> second those two? Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Now number 34, one deed in this case. Move that we approve the proposed tax resale deal to advanced investments, which has paid Travis County the sum of $11,250 in cash.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And number 35, I move that we approve the proposed tax resale deed to victor manuel grimaldo who has paid the sum of $9,210 in cash and this is apparently for two lots too.

>> there were two amounts for two lots.

>> two amounts, two lots.

>> one dollars is $10 off of the other.

>> the amount we have in the deed itself is $9,210. In cash.

>> it should be one deed, you're right, and two amounts, two lots.

>> but do the two amounts total $9,210?

>> no. It should be 18,000.

>> one for $9,210 and one for $9,220.

>> the two lots both belong to the same person -- two lots going to the same person.

>> okay. So the total amount of cash we should have would be the total of these two --

>> 18,430.

>> the motion then is for two lots, one for $9,210. The the other one for $9,220 and both of these are to victor manuel grimaldo. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 36, this is a proposed tax resale deed to reiji z. Cass, who has paid Travis County the sum of $3,428.81.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Now, we did discuss briefly number 37 involving county owned property at 9207 johnny morris road. Any action required today?

>> no, judge.

>> we'll have it back on when it's ready for discussion and action.

>> judge, just authorize tnr to do the statutory notice posting they're supposed to do for that sale.

>> we're not even there yet.

>> I got them mixed up.

>> don't be confusing us anymore. [ laughter ]

>> we're not normally like this.

>> we're testing you.

>> 38 involves sarah carpenter pineda and her lawsuit against Travis County. I move that we reject the offer and counter with an offer of judgment in the amount of $25,000, inclusive of costs and attorneys fees and contingent pof proof of relationship with sarah carpenter pineda and the child, right, and contingent upon approval by the guardian ad litem and the guardian ad litem's costs will be covered by Travis County as usual. That's the motion.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 39 involves the lawsuit by j and j incorporated versus rufino cornejo and lukemer certify, constable and others. We got an update on the bankruptcy matter. I move that we reject the offer to settle the second for the same amount from the bonding company.

>> second.

>> discussion? And we direct counsel to keep on keeping on at this point. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We also discussed number 40. I got an update and to my knowledge no action required today. 41 we did not discuss. It will be back on the court's agenda next week, February 14th. 42 is where we authorize --

>> actually, skip that one, we didn't actually discuss 42. We discussed 43.

>> we chatted with staff, simply advising the parties of progress being made. There are a couple other issues, maybe three that we need to continue working on. 43 involves the statutory 20 day notice requirement that we asked tnr to cover, right? And put in notice that we offered to purchase this in the amount of $1,500 and other appropriate statutory language.

>> right.

>> we need the court to take some action appointing Commissioner Gomez as Commissioner of sale on this.

>> okay.

>> so that we can start our three-week statutory notice process.

>> and included in the motion is our appointment of Commissioner Gomez as Commissioner of sale in this matter.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 44?

>> judge, did we have as part of that, stacy, that we had to say that as part of the condition of sale that we're fixing to go through about retaining the water line, if that needs to be part of what we're doing?

>> yes, that will be in the legal documents drawn up by our attorney.

>> because it will come back on the agenda once the notice has run. We'll take care of all that then.

>> then the issues that we discussed just a second ago under 42, there are no new issues, it's just getting resolved the issues that we've all previously talked about?

>> in fact, the update for that, just for the record, would be that all construction comments have been cleared.

>> any more discussion of 43 or 44? This motion covers 44. All in favor?

>> 43, not 44.

>> 43. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Now speaking of 44, move that we authorize tnr and appropriate personnel to make the appropriate corrections, two documents in the auditor's office, tnr, sheriff's office and any other appropriate places to correct mistakes made in this matter.

>> second.

>> will that cover it, john? We think it will? Discussion?

>> did we agree that we're only agreeing to any nonmonetary demands, that there were some other things that were not -- our current is agreeing to the nonmonetary?

>> the motion is to correct documents, yeah.

>> there were some other things on their offer.

>> on the documents?

>> yes, sir.

>> not related to the document, but it was on their demand.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We did discuss 45, gave general directions to staff, and we'll have this matter back on the agenda next week, maybe with more specific language as appropriate. Item number 1 involves request for extension of administrative leave for a Travis County juvenile probation department employee. I move that we authorize the requested three-day administrative leave with pay, which should carry the employee through January 24th.

>> second.

>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. A-4, we discussed -- gave general directions, leave that back on next week. We'll check the wording depending on what action we need to take.

>> it's a-2, not a-4.

>> a-2. Do we need any action other than that? Okay. Then that brings us to the end of our meeting tomorrow -- I mean today.

>> move adjourn.

>> second.

>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, February 8, 2006 10:44 AM