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Travis County Commissioners Court

January 10, 2006
Item 6

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6, take appropriate action to receive a report on 2005 brown santa 5 k walk-run event. Should I call these up one at a time or altogether? 6 b is to discuss and take appropriate action to approve the following: a. Results of the first runtex training for county employees; b. Recognition awards to employees who completed the training; and c. Report on a new training class for beginner and intermediate walkers leading up to the Texas round up. Good morning.

>> judge, Commissioners.

>> good morning, dan.

>> we are pleased to be here today to inform you of the results of the brown santa five k race, as well as the training that preceded the 5 k race conducted by run tex. We are pleased to have with us bonnie floyd who chaired the race committee. Bonnie is going to tell us about how successful this race was.

>> it turned out pretty well, actually. We -- I at least was sweating there for a while. We ended up raising a little over $4,600 for the brown santa campaign, which considering that our donations were down, I thought was very good. Registrations were up, which was a good thing. We increased about 30 percent over last year. So we are very happy with that. And we ended up with the -- a little over $4,600 for brown santa, very pleased. And it was a nice weather, cold, windy, but it was a good day to run. It wasn't raining at least.

>> that's right.

>> it was fine until we made that last turn on to decker lane. That northern wind. [laughter]

>> but all of that training paid off.

>> yes, it did.

>> yes, it did.

>> donna sternman who is the brown santa representative, anything to add?

>> no, just on behalf of brown san antonio take I知 the treasurer for brown santa and the 5 k committee, we appreciate it. This was our -- last year it was our highest one contribution, this year it was our second highest contribution. So -- so we certainly appreciate. We serviced 1300 families in Travis County. Another 100 from a retirement community that we continue to do and about 6,000 children. So -- so it was another successful year.

>> and we are pleased to have with us today paul coroza from run tex or who is run tex, we want to talk about the training that preceded this race. Run tex conducted an 8-week training program that was very successful. We had 61 individuals sign up to participate. And they attended anywhere from three to nine sessions. And recognizing today those that completed six or more sessions in the training program. I would like paul to talk a little bit about that training program before we hand out the awards certificates and about an upcoming training program that starts in February.

>> you know it's fun to watch, get to see this more and more in Austin as the -- getting people together, getting them in shape together at the workplace and I知 excited that it's working so well. And it's fun to see the smiles on everyone's faces as they complete this. So we want to start up again, we have got the Texas roundup on April 29th. This time I think we will have a little more time to train. There's a 5 k or a 10 k at the roundup. One of the -- the biggest goals for Texas is to have the largest moving event in the country. And so we are trying to incrementally build that here in Austin with the roundup. So I知 excited to start this over. We have got a great staff that's looking forward to doing this again and we certainly enjoy the relationship with the county.

>> the new training will start in February, registration will be in the latter part of January, we will be announcing the date and location where registration can take place. Also we are looking at trying to get this an e registration so you can register online. I think we discussed that it will be two classes, it will be on Thursday, noon, will be the beginners class and I think that includes the measurements and so forth and then at 5:30 on Thursday will be the intermediate class that will meet at the run tex location on first and riverside. So --

>> how do you determine whether you are a beginner or intermediate? I assume you just sort of naturally -- [laughter]

>> if you ask, you probably should come to the beginner. [laughter]

>> that's kind of the way I felt.

>> we can always move you up. It's more fun to move up than down.

>> so the roundup, that's the governor's race, right?

>> yeah.

>> he is excited about it.

>> all right. And for that reason people come from across Texas.

>> yeah, we had almost every city represented and its growing. We are working across the state to get this stuff, get people training for it. That seems to be the key is to get people ready for it. That helps a lot. We are going to have that 100,000 person event in Austin.

>> and our intention is if the training goes well, to have a Travis County team participate in the roundup. So we will have shirts and -- and designated leadership over here. But we want to thank run tex, they have been a great community and sponsor of this program and helping us out in our wellness efforts. We appreciate that.

>> thanks.

>> thank you.

>> now we would like to recognize those individuals that had the stick to itiveness to complete at least six sessions of the training program, call is going to hand out the certificates. I will call the names. The -- I guess -- and those who aren't here will get the certificates -- we'll get the certificates to them.

>> [indiscernible] persons that did what now?

>> this -- the people we are recognizing completed at least six out of the eight sessions.

>> six of the eight.

>> training programs conducted by run tex.

>> I just wanted to make sure that I heard that correctly.

>> yes.

>> thank you.

>> the certificate says ... Go ahead and read it paul. You made friends out there watching your performance.

>> [indiscernible] in recognition of your dedication and hard work to complete the 8 weeks run tex program.

>> this is not the gift certificate that I was hoping for, paul. [laughter] thank you.

>> I had those in my office. [laughter] the first individual that we would like to recognize is diana catino. Is she here? Diana? No. We will get her certificate to her. The next person is judy cullen -- julie cullen. Here comes julie. Next person is rosa linda garcia. Get hers to her. Jackie goodfellow. Shantelle graham. Hello. [ applause ] judith lorez. [ applause ] mary laredo, I don't see mary. Oh, there she is. [ applause ] liz mcgee. [ applause ] melinda amalia. [ applause ] around josie pena who is busy nursing today, so we will get her certificate to her. And -- and next one is tonya [indiscernible], is tonya here? Because tonya completed nine out of the eight sessions, which I think is remarkable. She managed to sneak another one in. She's dedicated. Next one is Karen Sonleitner. [ applause ]

>> thank you.

>> Thursday chicks.

>> that was the group that wouldn't let me walk with them at the race.

>> we outpaced you, charlie.

>> outpaced me. [laughter]

>> viola thompson. [ applause ] viola was jeff closer, the run tex coach, that was his pet student. Around shalene walker. [ applause ] and finally, lupe sanguano. [ applause ]

>> then in '06 can we open this up to men? [laughter]

>> you know what's sad, it wasn't -- the men just didn't meet the challenge. The men have to do better.

>> the men can only do better. [laughter] and I -- you know, this was a lot of fun and as I was part of the Thursday afternoon it was very nice to get out of here, like I have got to get out at 5:30 and to join up, it really was cleansing. I want to say a very special thank you because paul is the up front person, but the persons that were really handling our training, aaron and specially jeff, jeff who was with us throughout the race and he made it a very caring and very easy kind of thing like you can do this, I won't name who it was in my group, but at one point somebody said you know what Commissioner I figure if you could do this, I could do this. [laughter] and I took that as a compliment, but it really was one where they really built you up, built up your confidence because, you know, it's been a long time since some of us have peat our sneakers on, that 600-yard dash in school was not a dash. So I -- I had a blast. I知 going to be joining I hope the Thursday afternoon folk again and we had a lot of fun and it was interesting because there was one point in terms of how we learned how to walk up a hill, there is a hill in south Austin that I didn't know existed on south fifth street. And it was surprising. And it was funny because when liz mcgee and I made that corner, it was on hogeye, all of a sudden there was a hill. We basically said let's remember what jeff told us. We walked into it and we went faster up the hill and we only picked up our pace and it was like we met every single goal that we had in terms of doing brown santa, I couldn't have done it if I had not gone through this. I lost weight, I lost inches and gained nothing but some confidence and I appreciate it. It was fun.

>> it's a tremendous program.

>> jeff and aaron.

>> jeff closter and aaron hood.

>> paul gets the glory, they do all of the work.

>> but we do need to recognize it was men that were --

>> erin is a female.

>> 50/50.

>> we did have a male --

>> a man around somewhere, yeah. [laughter]

>> we hear the challenge, we hear the challenge.

>> we do need to point out Gerald was in the brown santa. He was a runner. He was prepared to do that. He's an excellent runner and this time around he did not mock me coming and going in terms of how poorly I was doing in the race, but this time --

>> I did, you just didn't see me [laughter]

>> you had already run by. But anyway it was a lot of fun, I知 looking forward to it. And the rest.

>> thank you.

>> anything else?

>> that's it. Thank you all very much.

>> congratulations to all of the honorees.

>> thank you.

>> good job.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, January 11, 2006 7:25 AM