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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 27, 2005
Item 2

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2. Approve proclamation honoring the late cara christine stewart for her outstanding community service. We have a few -- if you all would just sit right here. We can get the -- give your full nape. Should I prepare to read the -- the proclamation? Okay. Good morning. Let me read the proclamation about -- while you are catching your breath. It reads -- I have got mine here.
>> oh, okay.
>> no problem.
>> it reads whereas cara christine stewart, that how she pronounces the first name, cara?
>> cara.
>> cara. Okay. A resident of del valle, participated in Austin Travis County's work based learning program, summer youth employment, for the past five years. A program jointly funded by the city of Austin and Travis County. And it's supported by over 50 community based and faith based organizations that provides youth with training and life skills, job placement and career development to assist them in identifying future career opportunities; whereas cara christine stewart was employed with the Austin Travis County work based learning programs, summer youth employment, for the first two years of their work experience. Further employment would -- with the work based center include replacements with the Texas health department mail room and goodwill industries south. Whereas the work based learning program, summer youth employment program, has also been successful in recruiting, training and placing youth with disabilities in partnership with the mayor's committee for youth, with disabilities. Cara's success with the program was key to implementing the Austin Travis County youth for disabilities portion of the work based learning program. Which employs more than 112 youth with disabilities. Whereas cara a youth with down syndrome, after having been diagnosed with childhood leukemia, a cancer of the white blood cells, the most common cancer in children and accounts for about 25 to 30% of all pediatric cancer cases, cara continued her involvement with the work based learning program and in the community as an exam people of what can be -- example of what can be accomplished despite one's disabilities. Whereas on the occasion of her passing, it is proper that we honor cara christine stewart's legacy as a community volunteer and participate in the Austin Travis County work based learning program, summer youth employment as her successes underscore the efforts made by program staff and the Travis County Commissioners court to help our community's youth find their place in the workforce and in our communities. Their hard work and dedication to our community help make Travis County a great place to live. Now therefore we the Travis County Commissioners court do hereby proclaim and extend special thanks to cara, christine stewart and her family for her service, commitment and dedication to Travis County and all of our residents and I move approval.
>> second.
>> good morning.
>> good morning.
>> the mother is in the middle? And your name?
>> ginger stewart.
>> ms. Stewart. Welcome. Thanks for coming down.
>> thank you. Thank you so much for the honor that you all have given cara. Ms. Esby has been a wonderful part of her life since she started in this, we appreciate the programs that you guys have offered to give her that opportunity.
>> well, we never got a chance to meet her. At least I did not. We appreciate her involvement in the program. We are trying to reach out more, thanks to her looks like we are reaching out better and better.
>> her memorial service is on tomorrow.
>> and where is that located?
>> it's going object in elgin.
>> at the worship center in elgin on 1704.
>> okay. What time.
>> at 3:00.
>> 3:00 p.m. Yes, sir, would you like to -- you are mr. --
>> I’m mr. Stewart, rod stewart. And I just can't say enough about how ms. Esby has been a -- a motivation in cara's life. Cara has loved her and talked about her ever since she started five years ago. And ms. Esby has been a special part of our family, our complete family. And we thank you all for -- for honoring cara like this. She was special. She touched a lot of lives. And we would be? The store somewhere, no matter where we were, somebody would come up and know cara, you know, somewhere. But we just thank you. Appreciate you so much. It's an honor.
>> after five years I know we'll miss her, right, ms. Esby.
>> definitely miss her, definitely.
>> thank you.
>> in addition to -- any additional words from staff?
>> well, I would just like to say that I can recall meeting cara for the first time and she started out a very shy, reserved little girl. Who was hiding behind ms. Esby's skirt most of the time. So, you know, when you go up to speak to her, she would kind of, you know, scoot behind her. Each year you saw progressively how she improve and how much more outgoing she became and the last time I saw her, I just thought what a delightful young lady she had become. And so I know that -- that not only did -- did staff do a lot, for cara, she did a lot for us. She was an inspiration to all of us. Everybody in the building knew her. So -- it's been a pleasure. Thank you.
>> thank you all again for coming down. All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And welcome give you an opportunity to carry this with you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 28, 2005 8:56 AM