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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 20, 2005
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next and one citizen has signed in. This item is to give residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda. Phillipa dick has signed in.
>> good morning.
>> good morning. I’m happy this morning, your honor. Thank you. Good morning to all of the -- all of the members on the panel. I am here this morning, my name is ms. Physical therapy lil a. Dick, I am here to thank the county, the state, for assisting me in what I was trying to do which is, you know, help resolve the issue of my son. I will name the -- the people that helped me and they use their resources to prove the innocence. I would like to thank the honorable judge of Travis County, mr. Sam Biscoe, mr. Ron Davis and his staff, the news 8 channel news 8 Austin, mr. James keith, I would like to thank mr. Arthur adams from the ombudsman's office in huntsville, Texas. I would like to thank the honorable judge bob perkins for talking with me and explaining everything to me. I would like to thank judge scott for his input. I would just like to thank each and every one of you all for using you all's resources in helping me to obtain innocence. Okay, the first item is -- where -- oh, where is that paper? Roosevelt was sentenced by the honorable bob perkins on January 10th, 1993, his release date was April the 2nd, 1993 for six months in prison. You know, state Travis County jail. From there he did three months and was transferred to Travis County del valle. From there, he was supposed to have been released but he was not. He was illegally detained after signing release papers and was transferred for another six months without a judge's orders or anything. To another six months in Travis County wackenhut state prison. This is the six month sentence here. Nobody did that. I asked judge bob perkins, did you sentence roosevelt to another six months in Travis County jail? He told me no, ma'am. I did not do that. I gave orders for him to be released on April the 2nd, 1993. Then he -- I asked him, are you the judge that sentenced roosevelt to 15 years in state prison? He told me no, ma'am. I did not do that. I did not sentence roosevelt to 15 years in state prison. The claim is that -- this here copy that was copied in -- and given to me, I was -- what was that? 28th, 2004, by the Travis County criminal search department, and it had where roosevelt and john wisser, the honorable john wisener [sic] was the judge in the jury trial, convicted roosevelt of 15 years in state prison, that wasn't true. Here is the file. [buzzer sounding] wait, here we go. This is the letter that's in the file. Dated September the 29th, 1993. Supposed to be defendant's letter. Okay. Now, in the file, it claims that this is the letter. This is the file that claims that roosevelt, they filed it on this date, which is September the 25th, 1993, and this was the letter written September the 29th, 1993. Four days in advance before it was written. Okay. This is the file. Two records are there. And this is the original one that judge bob perkins sentenced roosevelt under the six months and this is the one that doesn't exist. This is channel 8 news paperwork where his resources found that roosevelt was arrested in tarrantton county, was sentenced to 15 years for crack cocaine and the date is April 15th, 1994. The date that roosevelt was sitting in Travis County wackenhut state prison. So he couldn't have committed the April -- that date, April 14th, 1993 crime. Because he was sitting in Travis County wackenhut. Okay. Then this is where --
>> ms. Dick, you are about a minute over.
>> okay. This is where the I need this one real fast. Just to show you. Mr. -- oh, where is it? Here it is. This is the one from tdcj, mr. Arthur adams, this is the one that helped clears roosevelt. It claims, it says this is in response to your telephone call regarding roosevelt in -- okay, roosevelt's offense date was may 14th, 1993. Okay. And then it goes on to say that -- that -- that he was accepted into tdcj April 15th, 1994. Well, that's not true statement because he was here on those dates right here. In Travis County. Wackenhut state prison from may 14th, 1993, to April 15th, 1994. So therefore roosevelt, junior could not have been out of -- of Travis County del valle to commit another crime. I’m asking the state, which is the -- the governor of our state, governor rick perry, to please release my son because he is innocent and my wish is to have him home for christmas. I haven't had my child home in 13 years. He has spent 13 years on a six month sentence, judge bob perkins couldn't believe he was still in prison and locked up. He said no, huh-uh. But he is, I’m asking and pleading to everyone to please release my child and send him home as soon as possible. I would like to have him home for christmas, thank you all so very much.
>> [one moment please for change in captioners]
>> ...the binder we gave you was a memorial to the year -- very productive year we've just finished with the Travis County roads and parks. And it reports -- a brief report on our activities. What we're very pleased with is that we've been working all of 2005 with some very good staff, and we would like to thank you and the staff, starting with joe gieselman and charlesburg and the man on the ground has been dan chapman. And our people in accounting and health and human services, john bradshaw, and particularly lawrence lineman who arranged some of our funding. We're very appreciative of this opportunity to work for our young people. We're also very appreciative of the fact that we received some funding through health and human services to do this work. We're also delighted that it turns out that for the dollars we get from health and human services we match those with americorps and youth core dollars, so you're bringing us the program and we're bringing match money to both the city and the county, which we appreciate that business relationship very much. We've had -- as a thank you, it also has a list of projects that we've completed, which is all that we set out to do. And we're very happy and proud to report that I think we've touched each one of your precincts this year. And we're very happy and anxious to continue this on, and even expand it. For next year. And also we included some pictures of our young people at work in some of your parks and facilities. So we're very appreciative of the opportunity to do this work with the county. We're anxious to continue it and expand it. We're very happy with the staff and the opportunity that you all have presented with us. I look forward to next year and would also like to give an open invitation for any and all to come and visit what our young people host you on one of your park sites and show you some of the wonderful work they've done. Merry christmas, thank you. Appreciate it.
>> thank you. It's a good partnership. If those watching, this is real work in county rods and parks. And if the participants of this program were not doing that work, then we would have to contract with others to get it done and probably spend a lot more money. So we get a triple hit with these young people, more education for them, a real work experience and the public benefits through their efforts and we're able to persuade a whole lot of them to go on to college, aren't we?
>> we had a graduation a week ago Friday and we have about 100 young people that are now walking away with americorps education awards between 2500 and $7,500 to go to college.
>> and federal scholarship money.
>> that's right.
>> and dick, in your hope that we increase the investment, well, we are. It is part of some contracts that will be brought forward in the next couple of weeks related to workforce development and the trails partnership with youth pa works is part of that package.
>> that's wonderful. Thank you very much.
>> thank you. Anybody else for citizens communication, whether you signed in or not? The consent items are next.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:44 AM