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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 20, 2005
Item 33

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33 is to consider and take appropriate action on visitation center project at the Travis County community justice center. Last week we discussed this item and the county judge said he would attempt to identify sources of funding. We identified two. One is the allocated rfb. Two is that we got -- we received in the health facility development corporation the sum of $80,000 sort of unexpectedly. And those two sources are possible. To be honest, if we identify the source, what I壇 like to be able to do is just indicate to the board of the state that we've identified to funding, ask their blessing, and then go ahead and do the other work that's necessary prior to construction so the money would be used several months later. Commissioner Davis?
>> judge, the $100,000, do we have firm commitment on that somewhere that we can really lean on? And say this is actually what you committed to? And we count on that when the rubber meets the road.
>> in my view it's about as firm as it can be at this point. We don't spend the 50 mls the 100 is there.
>> that would be contingent? That's what I would like to have is a contingency situation.
>> they're tied together.
>> all right. That's what I知 looking for.
>> what I知 thinking is we would come back -- the court would see this matter two or three more times before the money is spent. What I asked ms. Pierce to do was to try to get us a picture of the other visitation centers, and this is one of the henley state jail visitation center.
>> yes, sir, that's the same one, several different pictures. I apologize for not getting everyone a copy, but I got it this morning before I came over here.
>> what we have in mind is something similar to this basically.
>> judge, a quick question. Sorry.
>> there was a few factors, though, we also put on the table the last time this was brought before the court, judge, and which I知 really kind of -- I think all of us are trying to promote that and that's to make sure that the inmates if possible can be involved with the construction end of that. Those are skill sets that through the gateway foundation, others that have been embraced, make sure that the inmates get that type of training. And right there on site, blah, blah, blah. And I知 just wondering where are we in that if everything con assume mates and goes accordingly. Are those things that are being requested are going to be considered for the inmates to actually have a chance to participate in this project?
>> Commissioner, I think if the court approves this going forward with the criminal justice board, I think we can have them approve the inmates being able to work on this project.
>> okay. Thank you.
>> we won't know that, of course, until we speak with them.
>> exactly. But I want to let you know that the interest is still being looked at as far as that type of participation on the project. And whenever that comes about, whatever the conversation needs to take place, I知 looking forward for that to happen. And then we end up utilizing those persons out there to do the project. These are the pictures? Okay. Great.
>> judge, my question is in terms of the potential use of help facilities, we were talking about the habitat for humanity, that was coming out of housing, just making sure that we are not double dipping on our prior commitment that we had said to try to find 100,000. Was that out of housing?
>> I think so. I can double-check that.
>> that's my memory, but I was kind of going. I didn't have a chance to make a quick look at housing.
>> there are more restrictions on how that money could be used. It may well be that we have to transfer the $50,000 to the general fund of Travis County.
>> yeah, okay.
>> but on habitat for humanity, we can -- I think we've got several months before this money will be touched, right?
>> that's right.
>> and I think that we have to circle back and make sure all the pieces are still in place before we go to the board. Once we get there and they bless it, my guess is we're way down the ward toward getting the project done.
>> the example that we're looking at is as far as the community visitation center, I like to call it cvc, how many folks will be able to be allowed in this space that we're requesting now? Because when you go out there, there's long lines. A lot of folks out there waiting to get in. And my question, I guess, is how many folks will this be able to accommodate, the square footage that we have before us in this project?
>> good morning. We intend to have up to 70 people.
>> up to 70 people.
>> comfortably seated and waiting their turn?
>> yeah. The way we design it is much like the big hallways and having offices on one side, the restroom on the others and I think it can hold up to 70 people at one time.
>> okay. I didn't see that many out there, but it was quite a few. It was a bunch.
>> and there's a potential in the future to expand if we need to accommodate more people.
>> right. Okay.
>> what I hope to do is get pictures of the other visitation centers. There are a couple others, right?
>> there's two more. One of them we had difficulty downloading yesterday when I was out at the state jail, but I知 sure we'll be able to fix that problem.
>> I think it would matter to the state that our center would be comparable to the others that they've approved.
>> yes, sir.
>> we believe our budget will get us about this?
>> I think so.
>> we don't want it to look too good -- [ laughter ]
>> we're going to do it just right.
>> we want to encourage relatives to stay away from the community justice center, but if they end up there, then there will be an accommodation better than waiting in the parking lot.
>> we want them on this side of the fence, not that side of the fence.
>> exactly.
>> so my motion I guess would be for the court to indicate its intention to follow through on the 50,000 commitment and either take it from health facilities development corporation or the allocated reserve at the appropriate time. And basically that we just represent to the state and we're in a position to move on this and we're asking for the appropriate approvals to get this done. And at some point we asked the city to work with the state to expedite the permitting process at the city of Austin utilities section as much as possible. That would be kind of big in keeping this on a reasonable timetable.
>> that would be great because it sometimes takes a long time. I appreciate the city will help us getting this project pretty quick. Thank you.
>> let's hope the utility damage issue doesn't get in the way of [ laughter ] any more discussion on the motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. All in favor? Show Commissioners Gomez, Davis, son night litener, yours truly voting in favor. Commissioner Daugherty voting against. Yes, sir?
>> I just would like to have direction from the court, the facility management to move on with the design of this visitation center.
>> I think I would hold up on it until we get the next step approved. Can we do that?
>> sounds good. I知 assuming we'll get the support of the board.
>> it will be done in-house and everything.
>> without their commitment to assume responsibility for our utilities on an ongoing basis, it doesn't make sense to do it.
>> appreciate y'all's help.
>> thank you very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, December 21, 2005 11:44 AM