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Travis County Commissioners Court

December 13, 2005
Executive Session Items

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Ms. Velasquez we have come to our executive session discussion, ms. Velasquez, we announced a moment ago we would take in 5 b, the current approved strategy to develop a general government campus, that will be under the real estate exception because that discussion will be end twined with the others real estate matters. Posted for executive session today are 34. Consider and take appropriate action on security committee issues and recommendations. Security exception. 35. Consider and take appropriate action on an offer to sell two vacant and undeveloped lots in the kennedy ridge subdivision located in precinct one. That's the real property exception to the open meetings act. 36. Receive briefing and take appropriate action regarding settlement offer in fredrick pluet, (deceased) v. Margo frasier, et. Al. (civil rights case) now that would be greg hamilton. Consultation with attorney exception. 37. Consider and take appropriate action regarding lease/purchase agreement for the jp/constable pct. 2 offices at 10409 burnet road. That's the real property exception to the open meetings act. Road. 2 also announce that under the consultation with attorney. That's 37. 38. Consider and take appropriate action for the potential purchase of real estate in central Austin. Real property and also county attorney exception. 39. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on request for information from project dual regarding financial incentives under county financial incentives program policy. Consultation with attorney. 40. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on tax rebate agreement with samsung Austin semiconductor llc. Consultation with attorney. 41. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on tax abatement agreement with home depot u.s.a, inc. Consultation with attorney. By the way, those agreements are put back on just in case we need them. 42. Consider and take appropriate action regarding matters in reference to the farmers market at 6701 burnet road, consultation with attorney and real estate matters exceptions. A. Improvement requested for tenant by manager; and b. Recommendations from broker. Again, those are under consultation with attorney and real estate matters. We will discuss these announced items in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.

number 34 we'll have back on next week in a differently worded agenda item posted for action. 35 involves the two vacant lots at kennedy ridge subdivision on which we got an offer to sell.
>> judge, I move that we counter offer to ms. Diane rodriguez the amount of $10,000 for her two lots, five thousand dollars for lot 2 and five thousand dollars for --
>> 10 apiece.
>> I’m sorry, 10 apiece. 10,000 for lot 2, 10,000 for lot 53 and that's in block e of kennedy ridge subdivision, section 2. And that money will come from a bond fund that was approved in account number 468149318088118. So if we go ahead and do that, I think it will take care of the particular issue on that as far as getting that particular purchase of those two lots.
>> seconded by Commissioner Sonleitner. All in favor? Show Commissioners Sonleitner, Davis, yours truly voting in favor. Voting against, Commissioner Daugherty. Number 636 is a -- number 36 is a lawsuit regarding the lawsuit of frederick pluet. Any discussion? 37 is regarding the purchase of real estate for the precinct and jp 2 offices on burnet road.
>> judge, I would move that we move in the direction of telling all appropriate persons in facilities and the county attorneys office to prepare the appropriate legal documents for purchase of this property for $3.81 million and that this be brought back at the appropriate time to finalize and that that number be communicated with pbo so that we can include this in the co line item under a different number.
>> seconded by Commissioner Gomez. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Item number 38 is a matter involving a potential purchase of real estate in central Austin. Move that we first authorize pbo to prepare an automatic transfer of $100,000 in earnest money from the allocated reserve that it be on the court's agenda next week and that we indicate our intention to execute a properly prepared reimbursement resolution in the amount of $2,980,000 to purchase this property.
>> second.
>> and do we need anything else?
>> an automatic transfer -- (indiscernible).
>> not necessarily. I thought y'all wanted it to be automatic so we could meet a deadline.
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> we don't need to say it again unless you don't follow our directions. [ laughter ] that goes with the earnest money contract that we have signed already. Do we need to sign that?
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> authorize the county judge to sign on behalf of the Commissioners court. Is that okay? Is that friendly.
>> yes.
>> discussion? Any more? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> we did have a second, right?
>> yes, I seconded.
>> multiple seconds.
>> number 39 involves the project dual issue. Move that the county judge respond to these representatives what the legal counsel told us regarding two identical agreements and have this matter back on the court's agenda next week in case we need it.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Number 40, no action required today. We've already approved that agreement, unless significant changes are made. Lawyers are still working together and making minor changes. We'll have it back on next week just in case. 41, the lawyers are doing the same thing. We'll have that back on just in case we need it also. 42 involves the farmers market. Any action required today?
>> I think on b we've given sufficient instructions related to instructions to the broker about maximum flexibility and on one we are not so inclined unless we get considerably more information about what that is for, given part b.
>> authorize the county attorney to convey that information to the manager. Right?
>> sure.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> acknowledged judge, could we please put in one more offer to the manager to please take care of the grafitti on the back of the building that they wanted to put this improvement in.
>> that motion -- [ laughter ]
>> we've done it a million times, it doesn't seem to do any good. I’m going to continue it fres.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. We did discuss, but I don't think an action is required, number 5, the general government campus. Now, we did not discuss number 4, but this morning in our discussion we did say we would have an executive session discussion of two other items that may well impact item number 4. And in fact we did. And so on the co's, the amount that we talked about, and ms. Rio owe in ms. Rio's memo, purchase of other buildings in Austin, the amount is $6.8 million to 7.5 million. Is it the 6.8 that we're looking at? That will cover it?
>> that should cover issuance cost as well.
>> move that we issue the $6.8 million. And that would be roman numeral iii and i, second page of the memo. Discussion of that? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And on those other two the renovations, we need to discuss those next week, so we'll put them -- or put them in?
>> I think we need to put them in.
>> second the motion?
>> I would move that we put in the appropriate costs related to precinct 2 and the other facilities management renovations project.
>> 1.865 as set forth in the memo. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Anything else today?
>> move adjourn.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes unanimously. Thank y'all for a full day of public work.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, December 13, 2005 3:38 PM