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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 29, 2005
Executive Session Items

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Let me announce three items for executive session. I doubt we will be able to do more than this. The three are number 17. 17. Consider and take appropriate action on the following: a. Agreement with milton reimers (et. Ux.) For purchase of land inçó southwest Travis County; b. Agreement with hogge canyon springs, ltd. (et. Al.) For purchase of land in southwest Travis County; both of those are -- subparts are under consultation with attorney. The real estate exceptions to the open meetings act. And let me announce the home depot item, which is number 32. 32. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on tax abatement agreement jo with home depot u.s.a, inc. Tult tult. And 31 31. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on tax rebate agreement with samsung Austin semiconductor l.l.c. 1. That's the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. Hopefully in 31 and 32 we can give directions that may enable legal counsel to work with the representatives from those two companies over lunch if necessary. Depending on how the discussion goes. There are other executive session items, but to be honest I don't think there's any way for us to reach those between now and 12:00. We will convene at 1:30, in my view should reach executive session at about 1:40, 14:00. 1:00 -- 1:45. We will discuss the three items announced and will not take any action in executive session. We will return to open court before doing that.

this morning we announced and discussed in executive session three items. We may need two of them this afternoon. They were item no. 17, which involves the which involves the reimers tract and the hogge canyon springs limited tract. We do have staff that was supposed to go to a 1:00 closing today, there were some issues, we may have to discuss those issues further with them. If so they will be discussed under the consultation with attorney and the real estate matters exception to the open meetings act. We also discussed in executive session this morning the home depot item, number 32. We may need to discuss that further with the legal counsel this afternoon, that will be under the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act, also. I chatted with the samsung representatives, told them that they did not have to come back this afternoon, that we would have that back on this week. That is item no. 31. Next week is December 5th. Right?
>> 6th.
>> December 6th. Okay. Thanks. 29. Consider and take appropriate action regarding requirements of sb 1133 (now government code section 551.056) for posting of court agenda on the county internet website. 1 that's the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. 30. Consider and take appropriate action on security committee issues and recommendations. That's the security matters exception to the open meetings act. 32 we have already announced home depot. 33. Consider status of potential sale of property at 6701 burnet road and take appropriate action. That's the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act. Let's also announce 33 under the real estate matters exception to the open meetings act. 34. Consider and take appropriate action for a fourteen-month extension of lease at 4920 i.h. 35 for period of December 2005 through January, 2007. Consultation with attorney and real estate matters exceptions to the open meetings act. 35. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on settlement demand in dameon kleinpeter v. Travis County ces, twccrd no. 1a50364-s, eeoc no. 31ca500909. That's consultation with attorney and personnel matters exceptions to the open meetings act. 36. Receive briefing and take appropriate action on request from bob barstow regarding potential resolution of real estate management dispute at windy point. Consultation with attorney. 37. Receive legal advice and take appropriate action on Travis County authority regarding child, inc. And related federal child care funding for Austin and Travis County residents. That's the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings, act also. We will discuss these matters in executive session under the noted authority but will return to open court before taking any action.

...we understand that the parties are still trying to close on both tracts of land this afternoon. Both Commissioner Daugherty and I have been authorized to sign on behalf of the Commissioners court if certain conditions are met. And so we will leave those authorizations in place. And hopefully those matters will be resolved satisfactorilily between now and the close of business today. Any further action required on this item? We'll have it back on next week just in case the greatly unexpected happens and we need to take additional action. And that's 12-6. And turning to those posted under executive session, we did get a briefing on item 29. We believe we're still complying with that new law, and we will monitor to make sure that every word in our regular agenda is also included on internet website posting. And our request was that we get i.t.s. To just replicate agenda. I understand now there are differences, but if we could just duplicate the exact --
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> yes, sir. And if there's a need for a follow-up discussion, somebody will get me to put it on Commissioners court. 30, we did discuss the security item. We'll have it back on next week. There were three specific recommendations. Yes?
>> we've got a ton of stuff working with pbo with facilities on a whole bunch of stuff. Do we want to load this as one more thing that we are expecting --
>> my recommendation was next week for action.
>> some of that we're trying to get information out of pbo, but knowing all those other items related to co's, the bonds, facility questions.
>> it's not pbo, it's whether ms. Fleming agrees with number two.
>> I’m cool with that, judge. I just want to make sure --
>> I do think some of the others will take time. If you're not ready next week, we don't. Samsung and 31 we previously announced we would have that back on next week. 32, the home depot agreement, I move that we approve the contract that we have been looking at, the latest revision, and that we authorize the county judge to sign subject to changes included in the attachment, miscellaneous, nonsubstantive cleanup changes, and finalization of the reporting form attached to the agreement as approved by christian smith.
>> second, judge.
>> what we hope is that a clean copy will be available within the next -- by tomorrow.
>> probably tomorrow.
>> good. Anything else on this item? We appreciate the attorney for home depot and his diligent efforts to get this completed as well as our own marietta. Seconded by Commissioner Davis. Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 33 involving the potential sale of property at 6701 burnet road, county owned property.
>> judge, I move that we pull together an appropriate notice to proceed, utilizing the next name on a rotation list, which is nai commercial. John, does this need to come back to Commissioners court for approval? But an appropriate notice to proceed be worked out between facilities, the county attorney's office and the rotation broker that we're picking for this particular item.
>> second? Any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 34, move that we approve the requested and recommended contract extension for 14 months on the county leased property at 4920 ih-35.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. 35, which involves a claim filed by dameon kleinpeter versus Travis County, ces, move that we counter with the following: we'll reject the offer to settle, but counter with our own, which is as follows, so allow the resignation with our agreement not to appeal the tec panel's rulings in exchange for a full release of any and all claims.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? Show Commissioners Davis, Daugherty, users truly voting in favor. Voting against, Commissioner Sonleitner. 36 involving a letter from bob bar stow, move that we authorize the county attorney to prepare for the judge's signature an appropriate letter response to mr. Barstow's office, clearly indicating that the county does not own the property in question, but lcra does, and that in the county's view mr. Barstow should touch base with the lcra.
>> second.
>> judge? Just as a question, one of the other questions mr. Barstow made of us is whether we are interested in buying or leasing his property, and I’m wondering if it isn't appropriate to say at this point, that is not something that we are interested in at this point.
>> putting that in the letter is fine with me, and friendly.
>> fine with me as well.
>> any more discussion? All in favor?
>> who seconded that?
>> I did. Commissioner Daugherty.
>> that passes by unanimous vote. Number 37 we did discuss that. The rest of the court expressed the same shock and amazement that I expressed at reported county authority and power in this area, but we will get the county attorney to look into this for us and we hopefully will have it back on the court's agenda for a follow-up discussion in response to answers to various questions two weeks from today. Let's say that, john, and if we need to take another week that will be fine. We'll have it back on December 13th of this year. I regret to say that that's all of our business today.
>> move adjourn.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes unanimously by a very eager court.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 30, 2005 9:31 AM