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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 29, 2005
Item 6

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6. Acknowledge human resources department employees, cindy purinton, benefits administrator and william paterson, risk specialist, for awards received on behalf of Travis County at the public risk management association conference on November 18, 2005.
>> good morning, judge and Commissioners, alicia perez, executive manager for administrative operations. We bring this to you because we are very proud of the achievement of excellence and professionalism in risk management. And this was recognized by Texas public risk management association to employees who are recognized by their peers as being the best in the business. In all of the state of Texas. And we have -- w.m.i. William patterson -- a risk specialist accepted an award for Travis County for a property book that he put together that lists every property that we own, the size of -- the size of the cost, this is an excellent tool that is used in disaster recovery. So that you have a very concise and detailed list, he was recognized for this award bill patterson. Cindy, was recognized for risk associate of the year. She was recognized for her work in benefits and also the -- the facilitating electronic benefits enrollment, which the last three to four years has been a tremendous time saver for us here at Travis County. She was also recognized for her work in the development of retiree policy, which we still have much more work to do so, but gasby 45 is preparing us and for her work in medicare part d. Again, we bring these to the court as this is reflective of Travis County and -- and your work in -- in also creating an environment in which excellence can be achieved. And is recognized by professional associations like this. We would like to present these to the court. Cindy and bill, would you do that now? And thanks to linda Moore-smith the director of h.r. And also dan mansour who have provided leadership on these efforts.
>> thank you.
>> that's got your name on it, you can keep that, that's beautiful, congratulations.
>> we will vote on whether you keep it next week, right? [laughter]
>> take a look at that, don't hold on to it Commissioner.
>> you all got nothing to say? Tell us something.
>> I would like to say that I’m proud to work at Travis County and when I go to these association meetings, I’m always proud to be a representative of Travis County.
>> thank you.
>> [indiscernible] [laughter]
>> bill is a man of few words, which I know -- [multiple voices] judge Biscoe appreciates that. So --
>> the one with ms. Purinton's name on it.
>> bill may feel embarrassed with the Commissioners court name on his plaque, will you be able to live through that? Take it with you then. [laughter]
>> alicia --
>> congratulations to both of you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 30, 2005 9:31 AM