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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 22, 2005
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next and one citizen has signed in, jennifer gale. This gives residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to a full three minutes. Morning.
>> hi Travis County. This Saturday at 11 in the morning is the chuy's children's day parade. That's why the lights aren't on downtown and sixth street. That's a fun event for families. Commissioners Gomez, Daugherty, Sonleitner and my own, Davis and county judge Sam Biscoe, good morning. In democratic candidate for governor, and I need your help. You can mail me at jennifer gale, generally delivery, Austin, Texas 78767. I’ve been picketing in front of capital metro for 42 hours. We have a problem with capital metro that is the regional transportation authority. The board is in violation of the law. As the union's 1091 struggles to get a new contract, they're not dealing fairly with the union, they're taking away their medical benefits. 2,000-dollar family deductible, a 1,000-dollar single deductible. On top of premiums they have to pay a lot of money. They're in violation of the laws 556.004 of the governmental code in terms of the light rail system they're calling commuter or urban rail. That shouldn't be built. And it's being built. And they're also in violation of a municipal on the city of Austin. So I’m asking that we have more recovery time for our bus operators. They're tired. If you look at them, they look like they're all trying out for santa. They've got that belly. They need medical care and they're not going to get it if they have to worry about their did you duct tibls, co-pay and premium. The city of Austin continues to violate the constitutional rights of the homeless, including not being able to ask people for money. Up to 29th street they call that the central business district. Another thing on light rail, they claimed the light rail is a good idea, but it doesn't exist between downtown and Leander. It goes due east and general traphize east Austin. They're losing their homes in east Austin despite a high employment rate. Along with the constitution rights, attorney cecelia wood got these Travis County magistrate jim coronado's approval that it is unconstitutional the way they treat the homeless, yet the city wants to go right back and do it again despite the tough love that they already have and are not using. The president of the united states is still murdering the people, the republic of iraq, despite their not doing anything aggressive towards us. U.t.'s william powers is a u.t. Law school dean, and the university of Texas under the u.t. Board of regents, doesn't allow the public to be on u.t. Property unless you're going there to buy something. So I’m asking that we look at that. Hopefully the longhorns will pull in a victory in Texas a&m in bryan-college station. Hopefully they'll be able to hold the points under 100, so let's show some sympathy for our Texas aggies. And everyone can enjoy a thanksgiving meal over there at charlie's at 13th and lavaca at 1:00 o'clock on Thursday afternoon. On the 24th. Thank you.
>> thank you.
>> anybody else for citizen communication?
>> judge, I have an announcement. Commissioner Davis and I were pleased to represent the court last night at the save Barton Creek association gathering, and the Travis County Commissioners court was one of the honor ooez of the evening. It's just a one paragraph announcement, so I’m going to go ahead and read that into the record. Save Barton Creek association here by recognizes the Travis County Commissioners court for its leadership during the recent bond election, the association thanks the Commissioners for working to, quote, make a dream come true, unquote, and for their support of funding for parks, trails and green space and a better quality of life for the citizens of central Texas. Barton springs eternal and it is signed by harold daniel, who is the save Barton Creek association president. And this was presented last night to the court over at the zilker clubhouse. We very happily accepted it and thank them and the taxpayers for their support. [ applause ] that's it. Thank you, judge.
>> anybody else for citizens communication? Then the consent items are next.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:41 PM