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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 22, 2005
Item 11

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11 is to consider and take appropriate action on recommendation regarding the paint schemes for Travis County's new helicopters.
>> morning, judge and Commissioners. To my right is willie cull berson and to my left is pete baldwin. We're at that time in our new helicopter acquisition process that we need to approve what the helicopter is going to look like. And we really feel that the current yellow and blue helicopters that we have really give us market recognition and really have done a good job for us and look professional. And we wanted to maintain that, but at the same time have the paint scheme be a little bit different so that the public when they saw the helicopters flying could realize that these are the new helicopters. So we have several proposals in front of you, and would like to get a conceptual recommendation and approval from the court. We would like to be able to make the court aware that as we put stickers and he will blems and some of those things on we will have to move some things around depending on latches and door seams and those kind of things. But conceptually on a flat drawing this is some recommendations. The department really liked j-1, which was our recommendation.
>> judge, just to let you know, this did come by our e.m.s. Subcommittee, and there were also real reasons why you want to have a light front to this in terms of being able to see it head on to keep turn things away from the sale thin piece, but to have something to call attention. And this does -- I know graphicswise give us the appearance that this thing has lift and is flying and still has all the required things related to the numbers, Travis County, our commission, and to try to keep it very dleen, but still -- clean, but still a very modern looking aircraft. And this will look different from the current one, which is quite the same in terms of the color scheme, but reflecting the colors, a more modern look.
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> I do too.
>> we've worked very hard.
>> so the average color blind resident, how would j-1 appear to be different from today's helicopter?
>> the current aircraft, basically if you took a line and you draw it kind of along the bottom of the windows, it's clue blue on the bottom and yellow on top. And it goes -- and the tail is all yellow. And so there's some specific reasons why we wanted the tail dark. The mechanics have asked for that because it's easier for them to maintain a darker color back there with the exhaust and stuff. It's keeping the same colors, but as opposed to splitting it bottom to top, it's kind of front to back.
>> judge, I would move approval of the j-1 option. Any objection to our design work?
>> I’ll second it if nobody else is.
>> I figure they were recommending j-1 when they didn't identify any of the others. [ laughter ] let the record show the county judge defer to go the paint scheme experts at the county. [ laughter ] discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 22, 2005 2:41 PM