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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 8, 2005
Item 3

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Three is to approve resolution recognizing November 11, 2005 as veterans day in Travis County. And should I read it?
>> yeah, please.
>> it reads: whereas the second world war was a global conflict of unprecedented scope and intensity in which the destiny of world civilization hung in the balance. Whereas the armed forces of the united states in world war ii turned the tide of history, playing a crucial role in securing the eventual allied victory and determining the eventual course of our country as a world leader. Whereas throughout the history of our great nation we have been in the forefront of those who have made sacrifices for the freedoms we all enjoy. Whereas those residents who have served in the united states armed forces have brought honor and distinction to Travis County through their service. Whereas many of our residents have made the ultimate sacrifice whereas they have given their lives in defense of our country in order to up hold our democratic principles and preserve our way of life. Whereas their service should be suitably recognized and commemorated, now therefore be it resolved by the citizens, by the Travis County Commissioners court that all citizens of Travis County are urged to observe November 11, 2005 as veterans day with appropriate programs and services focusing on the achievements of those who have served this great nation and showing appreciation for their service, and I move approval. Good morning.
>> good morning, judge, Commissioners. My name is ollie pope, Travis County veterans service office. 1941 through 1945, the greatest generation that ever lived fought in world war ii. On September the 7th, December 1941, the day that will live in infamiliar my at 7:55, japan struck against the united states at pearl harbor, changed the course of the second world war. From the cold war to the pacific, north africa and the european theaters, pearl harbor was the beginning of the war for us. Three days later germany and italy declared war against the united states. Today more than four million americans served in world war ii under the commands of generals mcarthur, eisenhower, bradley and admiral nemitz. Today sacrifice of these brave he heroes of world war ii inspired new generations of veterans fighting in the global war on terrorism. D day invasion, other battles,, the oomic bomb, women of world war ii and the tuskeeda care men are just part of the people who sacrificed for these events of world war ii. 16 million americans stray from farms, factories, schools and offices to become soldiers, sailors, airmen, marine corps guardsmen and merchant marines and who with six other conned nents -- can't nents turned companies of strangers into bands of brothers. Storm battle feelfields where history was made and where heroes were lost and where freedom was res rescued. I can also brought a copy of a news article that I have just received from the "new york times". You remember back in October the 26th where it was identified that 2,000 u.s. Troops had parished in the -- perished in the war on terrorism. It was amazing to receive this newspaper article. They have placed a picture of every individual up to the 2,000 during the war on terrorism. I would like to share this with you, please. I’ve asked mr. Pena to help me display this so that you can get a view of the pictures that are being displayed. 2000, October the 26th, 2005. Thank you very much.
>> thank you.
>> veterans day is a county holiday.
>> county holiday and of course there are other activities that are ongoing during that time period. Thursday the 10th the brentwood elementary school will have a small program, about 30 minutes at their location. Pflugerville, the fallen war memorial on ongoing for November the 11th. A.c.c. Has a program also. And of course if you would like to dine at mccormick and submit during the lunch hour from 11 to 4:00, they will be serving free meals from anyone who identifies themself as a military personnel or veteran. And there are other activities going on. The parade will start approximately 9:00, 9:15 up congress avenue to the steps of the capitol, which the ceremony will begin at 11:00 o'clock.
>> who is the speaker at the 11:00 o'clock ceremony?
>> right now we have two world war ii veterans that will come in and speak about their experiences from the world war ii. One individual is a combat pilot. He flew 55 missions. And the primary guest speaker will be carol keaton strayhorn.
>> and one of the highlights of the event is the young people who enter the essay contest get to read their entries, and I think that's one of the nicest parts of the event.
>> is the del valle band going to be there too?
>> del valle band will be leading the parade as usual. And if I could say, we may present them with some type of recognition this time.
>> very good. I’ll see you. We'll see you.
>> now, like most governmental entities, Travis County gives the whole day off, hoping that employees will see fit to take an hour or two to participate in one of the numerous ceremonies in our region, not only in Austin and Travis County, but in the surrounding counties also. And this court has historically participated in the capitol ceremony, one if not all of us. So I’m sure we'll assist this year.
>> also channel 17 and media systems of Travis County will also be there filming.
>> all right.
>> I have wondered what you do with these proclamations, but rather than answer, just take this one.
>> I tell you what I do with them, I hang them on my wall. They're on my wall, every proclamation that I’ve received, they're on my wall from the city, state, county, anyone else.
>> a home in the basement or --
>> no, they're on my I love me wall in the office. [ laughter ]
>> all right. Then I’m proud to give you another one. [ applause ]
>> we need to vote.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, November 8, 2005 6:21 PM