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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 1, 2005
Executive Session Items

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29 we probably need to discuss after executive session. Speaking of executive session, I think that brings us to it, doesn't it?
>> do we need a 1, judge? That was the dana's other election item. You don't? Okay. A 1 we will have back on the court's agenda next week. Which is November 8th. Of '05. We will now go into executive session on the following items ... A 3, which is to consider and take appropriate action on potential purchase of property in east Austin, and that's under the real property let's say also the consultation with attorney. As there may be a couple of legal questions that come up on that item, that's a 3. 40, we have been asked to pull until further notice, we will not announce that one. 41. Consider and take appropriate action for the potential purchase of real estate in central Austin. That's the real property exception to the open meetings act. 42. Consider and take appropriate action regarding lease/purchase agreement for the jp/constable pct. 2 offices at 10409 burnet road. That's the real property exception to the open meetings act. Let's also just say the consultation with attorney on that one, also. I do think we ought to discuss with a lawyer knowledgeable about our lease in that matter. John, I think that I suggested that during the work session last week. 43. Consider and take appropriate action on a contract to purchase land for the southwest metropolitan park and/or open space located in precinct 3. That's the consultation with attorney exception to the open meetings act and real property exception. 44. Receive legal advice and take appropriate action on request to waive certain permitting fees for dot's place. Consultation with attorney. 45. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on tax rebate agreement with samsung Austin semiconductor llc. Consultation with attorney exception. 46. Receive legal briefing and take appropriate action on tax abatement agreement with home depot u.s.a, inc. Consultation with attorney. 47. Consider and take appropriate action on proposal from joseph l. Lessard to perform services assigned to emergency services and criminal justice planning. Consultation with attorney. 48. Consider and take appropriate action on temporary assignment of the --
>> could that possibly also be a personnel item? Did you want to announce it that as that?
>> 47.
>> I certainly, if you suggest I do, I certainly will.
>> 47, ms. Value less velasquez is also personnel exception. Along with consultation of attorney. 48. Consider and take appropriate action on temporary assignment of the chief administrative officer in medical examiner's office. Consultation with attorney and personnel matters exceptions. And 49. Receive legal briefing and take ppropriate action on the following starflight issues: a. Personnel issues regarding slot no. 6, starflight pilot, and b. The claim of ronnie wilson, former star flight nurse. Both of those are under the consultation with attorney and personnel matters exceptions to the open meetings act. We will discuss these matters in executive session but will return to open court before taking any action.

this morning we did convene in executive session for about an hour and 10 minutes or so, and did discuss several items, but we did not get to discuss all of them. And so this time when we go back in we will discuss -- by the way, iewl of these -- all of these were read in their entirety this morning, but we'll describe the ones we're going to discuss. 41 which deals with the potential purchase of real estate in central Austin. We did cover 42. We did not cover 43, so we'll discuss it. And 43 deals with the potential purchase of land for the west metropolitan park or open space located in precinct 3. We did not discuss 44, which is a request to waive certain permitting fees for dot's place. Did not discuss number 45 involving the draft tax rebate agreement with samsung, Austin semiconductor llc, did not discuss 46, the proposed tax abatement with home depot u.s.a. Incorporated. Did not discuss 47, proposal from joseph lazar to perform certain services assigned to emergency services and criminal justice planning. Did not discuss 48 involving the temporary assignment of the chief administrative officer in the medical examiner's office. We did discuss 49, so we do not need to discuss it this afternoon. And we did discuss a-3, so we won't need to discuss it either. But we will discuss the ones that I mentioned and described in part in executive session, but will return to open court before taking any action.
>> judge, are we going to go over 29? Do we need to read 29?
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> I hadn't planned to discuss 29. Did you want me to discuss it? I think 29 is impacted by the others. As we discussed the others, the question will be whether we are ready for 29 or not. Now, thanks to mr. Hilly's late legal advice, 41 will be consultation with attorney, which is not listed here, but the real estate exceptions. 43 will be consultation with attorney and real estate exceptions. 44 will be consultation with attorney. 45 and 46 the tax rebate and tax abatement with samsung and home depot respectively will both be under consultation with attorney. 47 will be consultation with attorney and personnel. That was a recommendation we got from john this morning. 48 will be personnel and consultation with attorney. And 49 we already discussed. And a-3 we discussed also.

we have returned from a loong discussion of every item that we discussed this afternoon in executive session, but I’m happy to say we're out. We did discuss number 40, did not discuss number 40. We'll have that back on at an appropriate time after being notified that it's time to discuss 40. 41 we did discuss potential purchase of real estate in central Austin and gave directions to staff. No why today?
>> we've done all,. It needs to be reposted.
>> we'll have it back on next week. That will be November 8, 2005. We discussed number 42, the jp/constable precinct 2 offices at burnet road. We gave directions on that -- two weeks? We'll have that back on November 15th. 43 we discussed also.
>> judge, Commissioner Sonleitner and I will sit down with the family and see if we can't bring this back next week with some sort of resolution.
>> and judge, in case there is any kind of a schedule conflict because it needs to happen Friday or Monday, Commissioner Gomez has graciously agreed that she will try to sit in in my place.
>> if Commissioner Daugherty or Gomez cannot make it, then I’ll stand in and so we ought to have that one covered. It will be back on the court's agenda next week. Is that a motion or just the observation?
>> just an observation.
>> direction.
>> we'll have it back on. 44, the request to waive certain fees, permitting fees for dot's place. Move that we request the Travis County health facilities --
>> no, health and human services.
>> request health and human services, that's a little bit different, to cover this $1,473.50 fees from the economic development pool that we gave them.
>> it's approximately $400,000. This is one more earmark and it would need to be transferred to tnr and ask them to reimburse what they would be entitled to.
>> what we're basically doing this is coughing this from another source of funding that the county has made available for projects such as this.
>> second.
>> discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> judge, as part of that, then the appropriate budget amendment needs to be put on our agenda or do we want to that an automatic?
>> if we're doing it with pbo, we want to be consistent with the county policies. We'll call it to ms. Flemings' attention and whatever is necessary to get it done, how's that?
>> that works.
>> 45, the samsung Austin semiconductor draft agreement, we did discuss this one with legal counsel and gave directions as appropriate. We'll keep this back on the agenda next week in the case -- in case there's a need for follow-up action. I do understand that we're making significant progress toward a contract on that. The same can be said for 46, the draft home depot u.s.a. Incorporated agreement, that's a tax abatement agreement. That will be back on next week too in case we need it. 47 involving the proposal from joseph lazard. Anybody want to make that motion?
>> I thought we were bringing it back next week, judge?
>> we were going to bring it back, but we hoped to have a sort of revised draft of chart 4 and maybe with the salaries for the different department heads mentioned there and any other recommendations that any members of the court may have that might facilitate our discussion of this matter and hopefully action next week. How's that? Those are I guess directions more than anything else. Okay? On item number 48, I move that we authorize a salary increase of 10% for the executive manager acting in this capacity, ms. Alish sha perez, effective on the date of the appointment. We indicated that the appointment would be for 90 days, so that would be a 10% increase consistent with Travis County policy.
>> second.
>> discussion? By the way, if we cannot make that effective to the date of the appointment, which I think would be two or three weeks ago, then I will work with the auditor, human resources and pbo on meeting whatever county policy is.
>> what we've done is I won't use the word manipulate, but we've been able to massage the dollar amount to be paid over a shorter time period and it gets them to the same place as a 90-day 10%.
>> any discussion of that? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. A-3 we did discuss. Basically I move that we authorize the county judge and pbo to draft an appropriate letter to the master consultant, catellus on that matter, expressing our deep appreciation for their willingness to work with us on that, but to express our decision not to pursue the matter further.
>> second.
>> any discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. And finally, on the matter -- on number 29, we have disclosed relationship in a several times now. B is the contract. I move that we authorize proceeding with the part of the contract that involves negotiations of the interlocal -- central booking interlocal with the city of Austin and that mr. Trumble get with the purchasing office to make sure the contract reflects that. This motion is done in light of the fact that we're still working on the other matters, hopefully next week or the week after we'll know exactly how we plan to proceed. And at that time take appropriate follow-up steps, but this indicates the court's decision to go ahead and proceed with the interlocal, central booking interlocal negotiations with the city of Austin.
>> second.
>> judge, do we have to do the a part as well related to the order waiflg the requirements since we actually are working towards a contract or do we wait until we have the actual contract in front of us?
>> probably --
>> contentioned on b?
>> b is if the contract, if we can carve out the central booking interlocal piece that's in there right now, there are three parts in there, we're saying we want to proceed on one, we need to bring that back?
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> move approval of a then. We'll have back' next week.
>> is that part of the main motion? Did we vote on it?
>> just a really. It's a new motion simply to approve a. The order waiving the requirements and the rest of that. B will have another item on next week to approve a specific contract.
>> do we want to --
>> that's what john is saying.
>> do we need to at least say we want a draft contract prepared for hopefully next week?
>> I’ve said that in the best english I know, that is, only the part dealing with the central booking interlocal.
>> okay. As long as it's clear enough. Okay. I’m there.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. There being no further business today, unless we have comments about --
>> wait a minute. I don't think we did 49, did we?
>> 49.
>> no action.
>> 49, no action, we did receive the briefing. Sorry about that. We received briefings on a and b separate, no action required today.
>> move adjourn.
>> another delay in tactic Commissioner? [ laughter ] motion to adjourn by Commissioner Sonleitner.
>> second.
>> all in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 1, 2005 8:22 AM