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Travis County Commissioners Court

November 1, 2005
Citizens Communication

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Citizens communication is next and this is to give citizens an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda, and one resident has signed in and that is mr. Jimmy castro.
>> good morning. I知 here to speak on my own behalf. I知 als a former board member of the millwood neighborhood association in north Austin. I知 hire to remind everyone to take the time to note in the election. And early voting is October 24th through Friday November fourth. Hiem I知 here to speak in favor of the Travis County bond pop sition for the following reasons. First, the traight Commissioners court is possible for providing a variety of services to all residents of the county. These include regional services such as public safety, criminal justice and health and human services. Last year the Travis County Commissioners court committed to do all it can to maintain a base of regional local services not covered by the state and federal sources. The 2005 Travis County bond pop sitions maintains and -- pop sitions maintains and enhances this commitment. They have been done with restraint, caution and vigilance. Pop sition one, road related maintenance and projects. This is to decrease congestion and improve safety in Travis County roads. The total cost of proposition 1 is $65,225,000. Proposition 2, parks and open space projects, projects in this proposition include constructing additional improvements at three existing metropolitan parks, acquiring land to expand existing parks and greenways and buying out properties located in floodplains that will be used for recreational purposes. The total cost of proposition 2 is $62,150,000. Proposition 3, jails facility improvements. This project at the Travis County correctional complex will design and construct in accordance with the Texas commission standards a facility to accommodate county jail populations in a more efficient manner that will replace buildings past the useful life. The total cost of proposition 3 is $23,500,000. These Travis County bond propositions continue the Travis County Commissioners court policy of prudent and responsible business decisions. Finally, let's do the right thing bypassing all three Travis County bond propositions for Austin's future so Austin and Travis County can maintain its status as the most liveable area in america. Thank you, judge and Commissioners.
>> thank you, mr. Castro. A couple of announcements. One is that I have seen some e-mails regarding the jail proposition, county proposition number 3, is really a a little bit off factswise. So for those who have questions, if they would contact any member of the court or my office, I would be happy to provide the information that I have. Second is the combined charities for a Travis County employee is underway and November is normally a good month for us and hopefully this year November will be a good month also. The other announcement is I promised human resources that I would make an announcement on deferred compensation. There is deferred compensation training that starts very, very soon. I知 not sure of the dates, but I値l get those before today's meeting is over. I got an e-mail yesterday in which I promised to do this, and so I知 sort of half doing it right now. Deferred compensation training. I get those specific dates to you. The other announcement is mr. Overton expired yesterday. He's a long time local civil rights leader here, husband, father, postal service manager that a lot of people don't know about, but he worked for the postal service 25 or 30 years. Back in the old days, and I met about overton in 1974 when I was very, very young and had a chance to work with him 10 or 12 years, but that's a great loss to our community.
>> can I just add that the judge is being incredibly modest talking about his involvement as mr. Overton in terms of the deseg getgation case that -- did he segregation case that literally changed the face of Austin. And I got to meet mr. Overton when I was covering the desegregation case. But anyway, during the same weeks that we're honoring rosa parks for sitting down, mr. Overton was standing up for the right things happening here in Austin, Texas, and this community is ever changed for the better waws of it.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, November 1, 2005 8:22 AM