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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 25, 2005
Item 43

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43 is a long item. It is consider and take appropriate action on the following, a, interlocal cooperation agreement between Travis County and the Pflugerville independent school district for 2006 for law enforcement services to be provided by the Travis County sheriff's office. B involves the eanes independent school district for the same time, 2006. C, del valle isd. D between Pflugerville, eanes, del valle isd's and that is continuation of appropriate f.t.e. Slots. And e is one additional slot for Pflugerville isd. Compensation issues on all of these?
>> actually, we're a little better I think on this one, judge, than the others. We actually have something called exhibit a, which is attached to all of these interlocals, which talks about the cost of a deputy is a certain dollar amount, calculated a five-year deputy on what our pop scale is. But it does not make reference to what this pop scale is and change bid seven percent. And steps are coming back and we of course have new insurance costs which were approved by the Commissioners court back in the July-august time frame. So the question is on exhibit a is exhibit a reflecting the five-year deputy costs of the new pop scale or the old pop scale?
>> again, it will be based off the old pop scale and these contracts generally Austin from August-august, through the school year.
>> do we need to have the same conversation?
>> again, I’m cool with the true up. But this -- we cannot continue to absorb for other jurisdictions costs that they are basically saying please provide these on our behalf, which we do. On this, this is 100% pass through of the cost, and the reality is we would be subsidizing five, six officers. They were going to have to pick up the cost if they wanted to have this stuff done.
>> let's let them know that the costs have changed and tell them what the new costs are and we want to make sure they understand that.
>> this was an increase over last year's contract. There was a lot of discussions over the success -- increases that they had this year over last year.
>> y'all were equally successful this year as last year in getting substantially increases in the pop scale which we all agreed to five to zero. So second year we've had some substantial changes and we were not supposed to have these subsidized by the county. The governments were supposed to pick up all the costs and that's all we're asking them to do.
>> they need to be put on notice. It may not be a big deal. Three weeks again?
>> cool. Thanks.
>> October 15th. November 15th.
>> November the 15th, right.
>> [one moment, please, for change in captioners]

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:18 PM