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Travis County Commissioners Court

October 11, 2005
Item 27

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27 is to consider and take appropriate action on request from lcra to participate in community planning forum to discuss the impact of sh 130, including the authorization to use county name and logo.
>> judge, if the lcra representative would come up forward to the table, I would really appreciate it so we can go ahead and --
>> the lcra liewmnaries are with us. [ laughter ]
>> and dr. Charles urdy and ms. Yvonne Davis. And we have some backup that we've tried to get distributed to you in this regard. So from that standpoint I’m going to shut my mouth and let these kind folks start telling telling us about what's going on with this particular item.
>> as I’m sure you know, lcra covers a wide region in central Texas. And over the last four or five months we've received a lot of requests from our customers. And searching for answers about what they should do about the growth and transportation issues that will impact central Texas. Our main concern is among the rural counties and the rural cities. And to make sure that there is an inclusive process that includes everyone throughout the corridor. Not just the corridor issue, but there are many people who are not directly in the corridor who are going to be directly impacted by the growth. They do not have the resources to understand the issues. So our main goal is to convene the key stakeholders, to cause there to be a discussion about the growth and transportation impacts along sh 1 flirt. We are doing that by targeting elected officials. We want to have our first -- our first forum is targeted to elected officials in travis and Williamson county. And that is to cause there to be a serious discussion about the planning that needs to occur around sh 130. There will be other forums that we'll have up and down the corridor. But then after the forum we hope to convene a much larger regional forum that will be in April where it will include not only elected officials, but other parties that are impacted and folks from your departments or others that may want to participate in a much more larger regional process.
>> so you're hoping that the elected officials would participate in the first forum?
>> yes, west. Our target audience is elected officials.
>> approximately when?
>> the first forum? November 30th.
>> I think I spoke with dr. Urdy on this, I want to make sure that along with elected officials, I want to make sure that tnr staff, joe gieselman, carol joseph, attend this. There are some things that are going to be passed down later in this process and that I want to make sure that they capture and have an opportunity to deal with that.
>> and sure that's at your discretion, but I want to make sure that we're clear about our target audience or these particular forums at the beginning, the targeted audience are elected officials. And I’m sure you're aware that there are planning events, envision central Texas, the Austin business journal, other things we are participating in and very supportive of, however our event is targeted at elected officials and a much larger one that will have a larger regional focus will be in the spring.
>> I notice you were asking also with this particular agenda request that you were asking to use the Travis County name and also logo. What is the intent of use of the Travis County name and logo?
>> we are looking for sponsors of the event and we've asked Travis County and Williamson county to be non-financial sponsors of our event. Right now Williamson county is a non-financial sponsor of the event along with the central Texas regional mobility authority. And the brazos river authority.
>> so with invitation, even though this event is taking place November the 30th, can you -- will there be an invitation going out with this particular name and logo?
>> yes. If you approve it, an invitation will be going out and your name will be included as a non-financial sponsor.
>> do you have to say that or can you just put our name on it?
>> [ laughter ]
>> yes, we won't put non-financial sponsor. Your name will be on there along with Williamson county, the brazos river authority and the central Texas mobility authority.
>> I’ll make a motion on it.
>> with that I’d like to go ahead and move approval of this item. Also with the acknowledgment of during this particular meeting on the date of November 30th that we post it, I guess, judge, to show that there is a possibility of a quorum attending from the Commissioners court attending this particular meeting, so we may also need a posting for that event.
>> somebody may ought to remind the county judge of that.
>> okay, judge.
>> 10 days in advance. [ laughter ]
>> and someone from our office is also aware of that, so she will be reminding the judges of that.
>> November 30th is on what day of the week?
>> all day?
>> no, it's 8:30 -- it starts with a continental breakfast at 8:30 and then will end at 4:00 o'clock.
>> is that the week after thanksgiving? Or is that the week --
>> it's after thanksgiving.
>> it's the week after.
>> it's the 30th, thanksgiving will be in December this year.
>> at lcra?
>> it will be at the monoco building in Round Rock.
>> they don't like for us to come to Williamson county, now.
>> they're welcoming you to Williamson county. [ laughter ] we're welcoming you to Williamson county.
>> all right.
>> they may want to keep us.
>> any more discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Thank you very much. Look forward to seeing you on that day, as a full partner, not a non-financial partner.
>> we may be coming back in April to ask you to be a financial partner. [ laughter ]
>> dr. Urdy, you won't be doing any chemistry or anything? [ laughter ]
>> thank y'all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, October 11, 2005 4:42 PM