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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 13, 2005
Item 34

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34 ought to take one minute, consider and take appropriate action on proposed election precinct realignments pursuant to section 42.031 b 3 of the election code. There was one change we talked about making. And specifically the affected precincts are? What's the change?
>> okay. We were able to make the change as recommended for precinct 244, 245 and 242. Those would all be combined to make precinct 242. We're handing out an update for you of the field notes and the actual proposed combination sheet that shows the three put together.
>> move approval of the proposed -- of the recommendations, including the change made today.
>> second.
>> discussion?
>> just one quick question. Do you want me to send notices about the polling places to all 92,000 folks that are affected?
>> what does the law require?
>> it doesn't. It doesn't require --
>> do we normally and have historically done?
>> we normally for Travis County, does an effective job of sending it to every person.
>> is there money in your annual budget to do it?
>> the money would be coming out of records management where the postage account is.
>> that's where we normally take it.
>> yes, sir.
>> is there money may that account to do it? Then the motion is if there's money in that account to do it, let's do it. I’ll get that answer later. Discussion?
>> [inaudible - no mic].
>> if there's money in that account to do it, let's continue our good practice of sending out notice.
>> quick question. Not only do you send out that thing and it's the really bright color, whatever the color of the year is, can those two things be combined into one envelope?
>> they are. Basically it goes out as a postcard. What we do, in a notice we put it in the envelope, the card in front and the notice in the envelope and it's a small four by six envelope. It should be about 15,000-dollar to do it.
>> it shouldn't be that much more. It's not like we're talking about two separate mailings.
>> anything really important?
>> yes. One quick reminder, the county attorney whispered in my ear you have three orders that need signatures. So if you will make a point to sign all three orders.
>> those are prepared by the county attorney, then we will sign them. Signed by the county judge or the whole court?
>> all of us.
>> motion includes signing appropriate orders. All in favor? That passes unanimously. Thank y'all very much.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 14, 2005 9:23 AM