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Travis County Commissioners Court

September 6, 2005
Item 33

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33, receive summary of budget agenda work sheets. And we are together receiving these for the first time.
>> and you individually gave your sheets to the judge's office and I extracted them individually from the judge's office and we've put them -- all of your independent suggestions for what to talk about on this sheet for tomorrow.
>> we do not have a bible handy, but the judge's eyes have not seen these until now. [laughter]
>> I tried to give them to him on Friday and he said no. What you have is the same system as we've used in the past where three or four or five of you made a check to say I want to talk about this. We colored that orange. When there were two of you who said I want to talk about it, we colored that blue. And then everything else is just white. We will have extra forms that have the pretty colors tomorrow. The first question I think in terms of orchestrating tomorrow will be in what order. Typically we have dealt with the orange items first, three, four or five people wanting to talk about something. Typically we have talked about those where five of you have chosen that you want to talk about something. However, there are some mega issues that have already been referred to, compensation being one. And then it subsets pops and rank and file and the component parts of those. Those will probably take an hour each. I would assume.
>> what's that that may take an hour?
>> I would assume pops would take an hour and rank and file would take an hour.
>> good assumption.
>> because of the efficiency of the discussion that will occur tomorrow.
>> is it okay with the court if we do it the introductory stuff, then just jump into the compensation issues?
>> I have a proposed agenda for tomorrow. Since you brought it up.
>> are we posted for that?
>> I don't know.
>> receive budget -- receive summary of budget agenda work sheets.
>> you will have it at the end of the day.
>> you will assume this a work sheet related to the budget agenda.
>> we were going to take you there 15 minutes to discuss and so I think we just have to -- if you could think about the order, clearly you will get to all of the orange lines. You might want to talk about the easiest ones where five or more of you -- excuse me -- four or five of you want to talk about some things plus the big ticket items like compensation. There's a couple of other big ticket items, but there are quite a number that are one time capital or other funds or small, in the $20,000 to 40 to you dollars range. I leave it to the wisdom and leadership of the county judge as the residing officer to lead the way. I’ll be there to help.
>> leave it to our judge, I think we can't go wrong. Thank you, p.b.o. This is delivery of the budget work sheets. That agenda, is that supposed to pass down?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, September 7, 2005 10:24 AM