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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 30, 2005
Citizens Communication

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We have arrived at citizens communication and I picked up two slips a moment ago. Probably here on the 10:00 item, right? The other one is senoy phillips, this one is to give residents an opportunity to address the court on any matter not on the agenda for up to a full three minutes. And I think these two are for the 10:00 item. There's a -- okay. If you just give us your full name and we can -- we would be happy to get your comments. Ms. Wade, thelma wade.
>> I have a problem with my road. I’m in precinct 3. The neighbor put a driveway in without a culvert and put rocks in the bar ditch, and I’ve called everybody in town and nobody seems to have any answers. They say the road is not dedicated. However, they gave the neighbor permission to use the road. So they can't both be right. I have pictures if anybody wants to see the damage.
>> yes, we would love to see those.
>> what is the name of the road?
>> were you told this was a county-owned road?
>> at one point they said it was, but said it had to be dedicated but they had permission to put a garage, they trenched the road, put the rocks in --
>> ms. Wade you are lucky today because our road fixer just walked in, joe gieselman. And I know that he will be able to give you -- he's the one that you need to see. If you will hold on one minute, give this back to you, we are real bad about being able to find pictures after court.
>> 501 draw bridge, I’m the only person that really lives on the road.
>> draw bridge, okay.
>> that's not in any incorporated city.
>> Travis County.
>> Travis County.
>> thank you, ma'am.
>> ms. Wade, have you called or talked to anybody in precinct 3's office.
>> I have called for about four years, five years.
>> you have spoken to somebody specifically in precinct 3? I have never heard -- I mean, my office is pretty responsive to these things, have you talked to bob Moore in precinct 3's office?
>> at one time I think I did. One -- one rut is about four feet deep, washing away, trenched the road. They are trying to divert the water from their runoff and maybe have paid parking, they didn't have a permit, off street parking that was disallowed when they gave him the garage on the back of the house.
>> if you wouldn't mind, I mean after this, if you will go up to the fifth floor, we have elevators, take a left, that's my office, speak with bob Moore because -- joe are you familiar at all with this? I don't know anything about it, my office will be more than happy to find out what we need to find out about it.
>> we are here to serve, ms. Wade.
>> thank you.
>> thanks for coming down, we will see if we can take care of you, assist in whatever way we can. Anybody else for citizens communication whether you signed in or not?

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:10 PM