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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 30, 2005
Item 34

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Now dana, number 34 is the item that we had the public hearing on. And it is to consider and take appropriate action on the annual written plans for the 028 records management preservation fund. And 057 county clerk's records archival fund.
>> thank you, judge, dana debeauvoir, Travis County clerk. The -- the plan that you have before you looks very similar to the plans that we had in previous years. The priorities that we described for you during our initial budget hearing have remained the same. We have, as I said, we have made one slight adjustment in when one of the funds that has to do with bond and criminal imaging, we are still going to be able to do that project, we just need to split it up into two years, we don't think that's going to affect the schedule. The rest of them are very interesting projects. That we could talk a lot about. I will mention that one of them is our ongoing work with disaster recovery and business reassumption, what this fund does is help pay for making sure that we are prepared in case of a disaster.
>> okay.
>> when you approve this, the only thing that I need you to keep in mind is that you will see some corrections on the changes to preliminary budget lists, that you will be approving during markup because some of these are slightly different numbers, they jiggle a little between preliminary budget and now as we are getting a few changes to some of the projects and changes to retirement and health insurance costs, whenever you do the 2% allocation of -- whatever kind of allocation you will be doing for salary increases, that kind of thing. You will see those changes coming up to you in the future.
>> yes, deanna is right. The salary increases for some of the employees that are doing this work, hit this budget and we wanted to make sure that we included it in. That's what the adjustment mostly is, is about salary corrections.
>> assuming that we go ahead and approve this, is it possible that after -- after today, that you could get together, I’ll say a little cheat sheet for us, because there are pieces of these projects that are embedded into our sheets that we worked on during our budget hearings. And it would be very helpful to kind of remind ourselves of -- oh, that was one little piece of a larger project or that is the larger project, but if you can kind of tie them back to line items that are on our agenda sheet, that would be extraordinarily helpful as we move through the next couple of weeks to just be a very good cheat sheet. I can do that.
>> thank you.
>> specific items that we should be concerned about and discuss?
>> no. They are doing everything, it looks like everything is within the total resources are included in the fourth revenue for the -- for the different funds, nothing -- nothing significant, different, from -- from preliminary budget or from fy '05. It's just, you know, continuing with the work that's being done. Maybe starting a couple of new projects that they have worked with other departments like its and the district clerk.
>> yes, sir. Judge Biscoe and Commissioner Sonleitner, to -- to make sure your question is fully answered, one of the things that we made sure we did when we had to make adjustments in this dollar amount was to not affect any of the other offices like county records management, like the district clerk. We kept our commitment there, you are not going to see big changes.
>> with that assurance I move approval of the plans for the 028 records management preservation fund, 057 county clerk's records archival fund, number 34. Discussion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote.
>> thank you.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 31, 2005 12:10 PM