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Travis County Commissioners Court

August 23, 2005
Item 34

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34 is to consider and take appropriate action to set elected officials' salaries for five '06. We did have our public hearing this morning.
>> I move approval of the schedule that's been laid out in regards to the public hearing and public notice.
>> Commissioners and judge, we have a slight change that we would like to talk to you about. Based on the house bill 11 that travis was talking about that might change the district judges's salary. The advertisement included the salaries, advertised salary for the district attorney's office. There was a footnote added in the ad that said there's a bill in the legislature, the state portion of the d.a.'s salary might change based on what the district judges's salary might be. We would recommend if you could set the salaries today and sign the order for all of the ones that were advertised except for the d.a. And for that one wait until next Tuesday, we roll that within item over. That way you will have the order for the d.a. And the judges at that time because it's all dependent on what happens on Monday, by Monday.
>> so the governor has a deadline, sign it or don't sign it, so we will have absolute clarity next Monday.
>> right. Barbara wilson has done a lot of research on it and we had all these different alternatives on the order, how it could read, and this seems to be the cleanest to just bifurcate it. What is affected by the legislation and what's not.
>> I would change the motion I was make to go basically pull out the line item related to the district attorney and that be an item we roll over until next week, but all of the others on this schedule would move forward.
>> is that the only thing we would change? Just the district attorney line item?
>> the whole district attorney, barbara? The whole district attorney, state, county --
>> [inaudible].
>> all three lines.
>> all three lines.
>> everything related to the district attorney. Aoeufpl sorry if I was not clear. Not the county attorney, but the district attorneys.
>> so that your order would address [inaudible] county attorney, county judge [inaudible] constables, sheriff. County clerk [inaudible].
>> I think that's what my motion was. And we'll roll over the d.a. Until next week. Thank you, barbara.
>> do you have the orpbl there?
>> yes, I do.
>> is this with those taken out already?
>> yes, sir.
>> any more discussion of the motion? All in favor? That passes by unanimous vote. Commissioner Davis temporarily away.

The Closed Caption log for this Commissioners Court agenda item is provided by Travis County Internet Services. Since this file is derived from the Closed Captions created during live cablecasts, there are occasional spelling and grammatical errors. This Closed Caption log is not an official record the Commissioners Court Meeting and cannot be relied on for official purposes. For official records please contact the County Clerk at (512) 854-4722.

Last Modified: Wednesday, August 24, 2005 10:47 AM